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Vieux 06/05/2024, 20h38
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-Gardien du Temple-
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Marvel Mondo Marvel mai 2024

Marvel (re)sort les teasers pour les nouvelles séries Wolverine et X-Factor toutes 2 l'une pour septembre, l'autre pour août :

Les équipes aux commandes annoncées cette semaine donc?
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 06/05/2024, 20h50
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Super Héros à confirmer
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Gecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob LiefeldGecko a appris l'anatomie avec Rob Liefeld
c'est pas plutôt Wolverine pour septembre et l'autre pour Août ?
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Vieux 06/05/2024, 20h55
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
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Bin oui...
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 07/05/2024, 19h44
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
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Posté par scarletneedle
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L'équipe aux commandes de X-Factor est composée de Mark Russell et Bob Quinn et le roster de l'équipe est le suivant : Angel et Havok en leaders, Pyro, Frenzy, Feral (d'autres membres à venir).

While the X-Men’s mission forces them to work outside the law, certain teams have found ways to fight for mutant rights within the system as officially sanctioned strike forces! In the upcoming From the Ashes era, that tradition continues in a new volume of X-FACTOR from Eisner winning writer Mark Russell (Fantastic Four: Life Story, The Flintstones) and acclaimed X-Men artist Bob Quinn (Captain America, Knights of X).

Formed by the government in response to a post-Krakoa outbreak of mutant paramilitary, ops squads, and mercenary teams, X-FACTOR will be co-led by Angel and Havok and include recruits like Pyro, Frenzy, Feral, and more. Part special agents for missions that require an arsenal of superpowers and part celebrity propaganda machine, X-FACTOR will wage war against emerging factions like the Mutant Underground and X-Term. Whether they believe in their actions or are just doing it for a check, the members of X-Factor are no fools when it comes to shady politics. As hidden agendas rear their ugly head, they’ll fight against the dark consequences and disastrous public opinion from the inside!

FAME, FORTUNE, MUTANTS! From the ashes of Krakoa, a new mutant arms race sweeps the globe! International governments are building their own mutant armies. But only America’s X-Factor has the most powerful, most patriotic, most marketable mutant heroes to stem the tide and make the world safe for democracy! Join them as they go from one death-defying mission to another. Who will die? Who will fall in love? Who will be the first to sell out? Like, comment and subscribe to find out!

“The thing I’ve always loved about the X-Men is that they’re characters first, super heroes second,” Russell shared. “So being able to write characters like Havok and Angel and Frenzy in a post-Krakoa reality is an opportunity to write about what I really care about, which is how do we help each other survive the apathy of the world we live in?”

“It’s so exciting to be back and drawing mutants in the X-Men universe again, and doubly exciting to work with Mark again,” Quinn added. “To my mind, Mark’s mix of humor and ability to shine a light on the peculiarities of modern society make him the perfect writer to tackle the relaunch of X-FACTOR. Drawing this team and every unexpected twist and turn of the story has been a blast so far, and I can’t wait for readers to get their hands on it.”

Mutant sell-outs or mutant role models? You be the judge! Check out the main cover and preorder X-FACTOR #1 at your local comic shop today! For more information, visit


Cover by GREG LAND
On Sale 8/14
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 07/05/2024, 19h46
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
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Sans moi malgré Mark Russell.
Ca sent la repompe de Peter David sans Peter David.
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 07/05/2024, 20h39
Avatar de ollieno
ollieno ollieno est déconnecté
Des Figues , des bananes,
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Russell et Quinn ca me tente bien...

Je verrais plus lorgner vers X-Statix (comme ce qu'il fait sur Acid Chimp)
Shoot Shoot don't talk
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Vieux 07/05/2024, 22h26
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
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Source AIPT

Une interview de Tom Brevoort sur la franchise X : ici.
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 08/05/2024, 21h19
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
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Posté par scarletneedle
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Point de Greg Capullo pour Wolverine, la série est confiée à Saladin Ahmed et Martín Cóccolo :

Just in time for the character’s 50th anniversary, the Wolverine legend begins anew! Following Krakoa’s tragic fall and the brutal “Sabretooth War” storyline currently unfolding in the final issues of Benjamin Percy’s WOLVERINE run, Logan will turn his back on humanity, mutantkind, and the X-Men in an all-new ongoing WOLVERINE series by acclaimed writer Saladin Ahmed (DAREDEVIL) and Marvel Stormbreaker artist Martín Cóccolo (IMMORTAL THOR).

Ahmed and Cóccolo’s new run begins deep in the Canadian wilderness where Wolverine reunites with his wolf pack and embraces the beast within! But Wolverine’s more than an animal—he’s a soldier. And a new war is brewing. As Nightcrawler struggles to remind Logan that he’s part of a family, Logan’s exile is violently disturbed by his most hated foes, and with each battle, a new existential threat gathers strength. This ancient villain has been bubbling under the surface of the Marvel Universe since the days of myth, and once unleashed, will dramatically alter the scope of Wolverine’s storied history and force him to prove himself a hero like never before.

There’s a killer in the woods – and as Wolverine’s attempt at peace is shattered, an old enemy will re-emerge as a new villain rises that will bring Logan to the brink of his berserker rage. But Nightcrawler knows his old friend is capable of doing what’s right, and before long, Logan will have to unleash his claws, push his healing factor to the limit and demonstrate he’s the best there is at what he does once and for all – nice be damned! Note to collectors: the new series kicks off with a key first appearance and a major addition to the lore of Wolverine!

Art and Cover by MARTÍN CÓCCOLO
On Sale 9/11

“When I was a kid, Wolverine was the coolest character in comics,” Ahmed shared. “That hasn't changed a whole lot for me, so when Marvel approached me about a new solo Logan book, it was an instant YES.”

“Logan is simultaneously a mythic hero, an abused animal, and a man of flesh, blood, and adamantium,” he continued. “Our story is about what happens when these parts of him all pull in opposite directions – and threaten to rip Logan to pieces that won't come back together again.”

“I could talk for hours about why I decided to take this relaunch, but you want my real answer? It's Wolverine. That’s it,” Cóccolo shared. “It's a dream come true for me, and I can't believe I get to tell my younger self every day that I'm drawing WOLVERINE. Saladin's exploration of the character and the story is incredibly exciting as a concept as well as visually engaging, and I can't wait for people to finally see it!”
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 09/05/2024, 22h17
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
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Source Marvel

La sollicitation pour septembre de Exceptional X-Men par Eve L. Ewing et Carmen Carnero avec Kitty Pryde et Emma Frost :

From the New Mutants to the Hellions, discovering you’re a mutant in the Marvel Universe has never been easy, and in the wake of Krakoa, it’s going to be harder than ever!

While the X-Men reintegrate into society after the fall of their mutant nation, mutants around the world still need protection, community, and guidance. In EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN, a group of young mutants will luckily be trained by two of the greatest teachers in X-Men history—Kitty Pryde and Emma Frost! Today, fans can learn more about the series and see the reveal of the first issue cover!

Written by acclaimed author Eve L. Ewing and drawn by superstar Marvel Stormbreaker artist Carmen Carnero, EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN will be the final flagship X-Title to launch in the upcoming From the Ashes era. The series will introduce three all-new mutants who turn to Kitty and Emma for help with their emerging gifts: the metallic and whip-wielding Bronze, the emotion-stirring Axo, and the stealth-skilled fighter Melee!

Under Kitty and Emma’s tutelage, they’ll learn not just how to survive—but to thrive! But Kitty and Emma haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, and they’ll also have lessons to teach each other, as they take up the call once more—for the children!

EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN begins with Kitty trying to get as far away from all things X as she possibly can. After the actions she took during FALL OF X, Kitty craves normalcy and takes a job as a regular-degular bartender. She’s definitely NOT getting ready to head up an all-new team of wayward young mutants while avoiding the watchful gaze of Emma Frost. Nothing but work, dating and staving off depression. That’s it. Let’s see how long it lasts…

"Longtime fans of Kitty Pryde can count on the kinds of adventures you expect from her as a classic favorite, while I hope new and old readers alike will get to love this all-new team of young mutants," Ewing shared. "Kitty, the one-time kid sister figure of the X-Men, has to reckon with her own memories—good and bad—of being a child of Xavier as she navigates a role as leader and mentor for a new generation of mutants who are trying to make their way in a time of crisis."

"The story Eve brought up really hooked me from the beginning," Carnero said. "I found it very interesting to see Kitty away from the X-Men and trying to live a normal life in Chicago, but finding herself with young mutants who have to deal with this post-Krakoa world and Emma's plans."

On how the new cast will connect with both new and longtime fans, Ewing said, "I always try to strike a chord between appealing to veteran comics fans and new readers, but since so many people fell in love with the X-Men as teens and this book is about a team of young folks, that feels especially important to me here."

"Regarding the young mutants, I think the whole team fell in love with all three of them," Carnero added. "I love that they are such opposites. Eve had very clear personalities, hobbies, musical tastes, how they feel… And when it came to designing them, it all developed naturally, and the whole team had a clear vision of what their final looks would be. I can't wait for readers to meet them."

With three flagship titles and a host of additional satellite series, the upcoming From the Ashes era will present fans with a wide range of different approaches to the X-Men storytelling! Gail Simone and David Marquez’s UNCANNY X-MEN are outlaw heroes protecting a world that hates and fears them from their home in New Orleans. Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman’s X-MEN navigate the uncertain future of mutantkind while preparing for the worst in their base in Alaska. Meanwhile, Ewing and Carnero’s EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN exemplify that even in the darkest times, hope can always be found in the next generation!

Written by EVE L. EWING
Art and Cover by CARMEN CARNERO
On Sale 9/4
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 11/05/2024, 13h42
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
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Un teaser pour X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse par Steve Foxe et Netho Diaz :

After Krakoa falls, a new Apocalypse must rise. Find out who is deemed worthy in Steve Foxe and Netho Diaz’s X-MEN: HEIR OF APOCALYPSE.

Kicking off this June, the four-issue biweekly series redefines Apocalypse and his mission for the X-Men’s upcoming From the Ashes era.
Une pièce logiquement sur Exodus...
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 11/05/2024, 13h56
Avatar de ollieno
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Posté par scarletneedle
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Une pièce logiquement sur Exodus...

Exodus ..ou Sinister ?
Shoot Shoot don't talk
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Vieux 11/05/2024, 14h01
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
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De toute façon, je m'en fous...
Je ne fais pas et saurai le jour où Marvel spoilera le bouzin.
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 11/05/2024, 14h03
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Dieu qui déchire sa race
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mugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablomugiwaraya mange des gauffres avec Diablo
Ahmed et Coccolo sur Wolverine, c'est du gâchis de talent. Ce genre de comics, ça se vendrait comme des petits pains même si c'était moi qui le dessinait.

Mon tiercé pour le successeur d'Apocalypse:
1 Armageddon Girl
2 Cable
3 Exodus

Je dirais que Rictor aussi a une petite chance.
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Vieux 11/05/2024, 15h04
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
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Bah, Ahmed, c'est au mieux soporifique, au pire bien médiocre. Oui, c'est du gâchis pour Coccolo.

Par contre, crotte, il y a une Variant Cover par Patrick Gleason qui me chauffe :

Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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Vieux 11/05/2024, 15h08
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Up and Dawn !
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Honnêtement, je ne pense pas me remettre aux titres X. Aucune annonce ne me chauffe pour l'instant.
Qui est le plus fort ? Colt Silvers ou Hulk ?
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