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Vieux 17/10/2023, 19h58
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-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
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DC DC Power 2024

Source AIPT

Following fantastic critical acclaim and a second printing in 2023, DC is amassing another incredible cultural anthology celebrating the legacy and impact of its Black Super Heroes across the DC Universe!

Scheduled to arrive at participating comic book shops January 30, 2024 (just in time for Black History Month), DC Power returns with another round of new and original stories featuring Black super heroes from across the DC Universe. Headlining this can’t-miss anthology is the epilogue to the Hugo award-winning Far Sector by series writer N.K. Jemisin and artist Jamal Campbell, featuring the first meeting between Green Lanterns Sojourner “Jo” Mullein and John Stewart.

Writers John Ridley (I Am Batman, The Other History of the DC Universe), Brandon Thomas (Hardware: Season One, Aquaman: The Becoming), Lamar Giles (Static: Up All Night), Shawn Martinbrough (Red Hood), Cheryl Lynn Eaton (Batman: Secret Files, New Talent Showcase: The Milestone Initiative) and Alitha Martinez (Nubia and the Amazons, Nubia: Queen of the Amazons), join artists Campbell, Edwin Galmon, Khary Randolph, Denys Cowan, Tony Akins, Asiah Fulmore and others for new, original stories featuring The Signal, The Spectre (Crispus Allen), Thunder and Lightning (Anissa and Jennifer Pierce), Bloodwynd, Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, Nubia, and more!

This 104-page prestige format one-shot features a card stock main cover by Chase Conley, with card stock variant covers by Campbell, and iconic artist/Milestone Media co-founder Denys Cowan. Local comic book shops have details on availability and pre-ordering.

The DC Power 2024 anthology, along with the complete run of Far Sector, Batman and The Signal, Earth-2 (featuring Val-Zod), and other series featuring DC’s Black super heroes and creative talent.

Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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