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Vieux 18/01/2025, 16h59
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
Localisation: Manhattan, au bout d'une toile
Messages: 64 182
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top cow Witchblade #8

Source Image Comics

Arriving: February 12, 2025
Lunar Code: 1224IM375
Age Rating: M
Cover price: $3.99

Left battered and beaten, Sara narrowly escapes from Kenneth Iron's arena and takes refuge by night in the mystical space of "The Keep" in order to stay off the billionaire's radar. By day, Sara gets back to the business of being a cop while her training with Ian Nottingham continues. Sara starts to piece together the connections between her father's murder and its ties to supernatural forces around her. One lead, the mob enforcer, twenty-year-old Jackie Estacado, has been on Sara's radar. Her brief encounter with him previously left her shaken and wondering what the true nature of this dark killer is and how he is connected to the forces of darkness and light that have shaped her life. In these pages, Sara and Jackie finally clash, and the universe will never be the same!

Marguerite Bennett
Giuseppe Cafaro, Arif Prianto
Cover A
Giuseppe Cafaro, Arif Prianto
Cover B
Camilla d'Errico

Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Réponse avec citation

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