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Evan "doc" shaner : A propos de man of steel #2

Evan Shaner a posté ce message sur son blog Tumblr ( à propos de son épisode de Man of Steel et pourquoi il ne l'a pas entièrement dessiné :

Hi gang. I’ve had folks asking about this and initially I was just going to let it go and move along without saying anything. I still feel pretty strongly that an explanation is not always owed but in this specific case I wanted to clear up some things. I’ve always appreciated the opportunity the internet gives us as creators to be open with the readership.

Please know that I’m not so naive as to assume that everyone out there cares about this either. Especially when the end result was you got some Steve Rude pages in MoS, and I want to say up front that the reaction to the book has been amazingly kind and effusive, and that it hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’ve rewritten what I’ve got here now several times over. The tl;dr version, simply put, is: I wasn’t able to do the entirety of Man of Steel #2 and I’m sorry to the folks who were hoping to see me on the whole thing.


This past March, while working on my issue of Man of Steel, my family and I went through something difficult and sudden which I wasn’t remotely prepared for. I realize I’m being very vague, but it’s not just my story to tell and it’s not necessarily the point of what I’m getting at here. And rest assured that we’re all healthy and doing fine. My point is that I got hit with something that I really struggled to process then and still deal with even now. I lost a step with work because of this and was unable to get it back in the time needed for this book to go out on schedule. Steve Rude stepped in and drew the back chunk of issue #2 and I’m extremely grateful for this. Jason Fabok was already drawing two pages in the middle, because it was planned from the beginning that he would do this in every issue leading up to #6, which he’s drawing in its entirety. I also want to note that the great folks at DC did everything they could to accommodate me on this and try to make it work, and I’m very thankful to them as well.

Obviously, this wasn’t the way I wanted things to go. I’ve wanted to work on a book like this for a long time now, so I did everything I could to avoid this. When this book was first announced I got a lot of readers writing me to tell me how excited they were, and I suppose I’m writing all of this to say: I’m sorry. Know that nobody’s more disappointed than me. I was so glad to hear that people enjoyed the book because I’m proud of what I was able to contribute, I think Bendis, Rude, Alex Sinclair, and the whole crew absolutely brought their A game to this, and it’s well worth your time.

I’m already on to the next project now. I’ve mentioned that I’ll be doing some more stuff with The Terrifics even though I can’t say what it is yet. Still doing those fun collected editions covers. Very happy to be doing this job and where I’m doing it. Moreover, I’m tired of half-finished books and not being on the stands for long periods of time. Please know how much your support and patronage means to me, and that I don’t take it for granted. You’re all the best. Thanks everybody.

Evan Shaner
Résumé : en Mars, alors qu'il dessinait son épisode, Shaner et sa famille ont subi une épreuve suffisamment grave pour l'empêcher de finir son travail sur Man of Steel #2. Il remercie Steve Rude de l'avoir aidé au pied levé et s'excuse auprès des lecteurs.
Ses projets actuels concernent la réalisation de rééditions en Omnibus d'épisodes du Silver Age de DC Comics. Puis il reviendra sur The Terrifics, avant de se consacrer à un nouveau projet. En espérant, conclut-il, que plus rien ne viendra contrarier son agenda.

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dc comic, evan "doc" shaner, man of steel, superman

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