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Vieux 05/05/2024, 20h56
Avatar de Fred le mallrat
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Généalogiste sénile
-Généalogiste Sénile--Sentinelle du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2002
Localisation: bordeaux
Messages: 10 581
Fred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan LeeFred le mallrat tutoie Stan Lee
Dan Buckley
We know that pricing is an area we need to adjust to fit your needs. We want to make it consistent for you and for your customers. The bulk of the line will be $3.99, with new #1’s and 8 to 10 core titles with top talent and top characters being priced at $4.99. There will be exceptions for event books, one-shots, and anniversary books, but you will also see a more consistent pricing approach to those offerings, too.

You mentioned trying to get the Wednesday Warriors coming in more. We've heard from retailers that the shortening up of series, with more and more one-shots, more and more miniseries, and fewer and fewer longer ongoing series, makes it harder to maintain the habit of collecting. Marvel is definitely in that role.
We're hearing some of the same things, and we're experimenting with going a little longer, or extending out more. I think the days of having a 500-issue run is probably a reach, but we are looking at having less limited series and more ongoing, with all our characters. I'm not going to say there won't be limited series, but I am at the moment approving some series for 10 issues at a time, not 4 or 5. Hopefully I can get to 15 or 20. That is the intent. Because, to be honest, it's a lot of work on our editorial staff, too, to restart books all the time; there's a lot of work on our marketing staff, to re-market a book coming out. It's to the benefit of everyone to figure this out.

Donc pour résumet, Marvel désigne à 4,99$ ses séries avec ses meilleurs auteurs et dessinateurs et le reste à 3,99$. bizarre d indiquer aux lecteurs les séries où on met le smeilleurs..

bon sinon ils se sont rendu compte que les one shots, mini ou séries qui deviennnent trop vite une mini n aident pas le coté collectionneur ni à s inverstir dans des séries risquées.
Buckley indique qu en ce moment il valide des séries par 10 numéros.
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