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scarletneedle 01/03/2021 17h51

DC Nation mars 2021
Nouveau mois, nouveau topic : comme les mois derniers, le 1er post du topic servira d'index pour les news afin de faciliter l'accès à celles-ci quand elles seront noyées au milieu des discussions qu'elles entraînent.

Le topic du mois dernier: ici.
  • Infinite Frontier #0 n'est qu'un prologue : dès juin, voilà Infinite Frontier par Joshua Williamson et Xermanico, une mini-série en 6 épisodes qui va explorer ce "nouveau" DC Universe où les mystères se dévoilent.

  • L'équipe artistique de Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow vient d'être dévoilée : Tom King, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes sont aux commandes de la mini-série dédiée à Kara débutant en juin.

  • En juin, DC sort le comic anthologique DC Pride et la mini-série Crush & Lobo en 8 parties par Mariko Tamaki et Amancay Nahuelpan, le tout accompagnées de Variant Covers pour plusieurs titres.

  • Le projet de James Tynion IV et Alvaro Martinez Bueno est une maxi-série en 12 épisodes sous le label Black Label débutant en juin : voilà The Nice House, un titre horrifique.

  • Checkmate revient : initialement intitulée Event Levianthan: Checkmate et prévue en 2020, la mini-série de Brian Bendis et Alex Maleev revient avec le même casting.

  • Batman: Reptilian, mini-série Black Label par Garth Ennis et Liam Sharp débutant en juin.

  • Comme Green Arrow fête ses 80 ans cette année, ça veut dire one-shot anniversaire : voilà donc Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 et ses Variant Covers décennies en juin.

  • Les sollicitations pour juin.

  • Ce qui n'était qu'une rumeur se confirme: DC Comics annonce la prochaine sortie de Superman and the Authority. Aux commandes: Grant Morrison, Mikel Janin avec Jordie Bellaire

ollieno 01/03/2021 18h34

mars nous voila

Fletcher Arrowsmith 01/03/2021 18h34


Envoyé par ollieno (Message 1858433)
mars nous voila

avec des araignées ?

wildcard 01/03/2021 18h52

Non. Avec Perseverance !

Gassian 01/03/2021 19h26

Il y aura bien un Infinite Frontier #1 cet été.

Et un titre Supergirl : Woman of Tomorrow débutera en juin.

Source : Infinite Frontier #0

scarletneedle 02/03/2021 17h27

Source DC Comics

Infinite Frontier #0 n'est qu'un prologue : dès juin, voilà Infinite Frontier par Joshua Williamson et Xermanico, une mini-série en 6 épisodes qui va explorer ce "nouveau" DC Universe où les mystères se dévoilent.

  • Pourquoi Roy Harper est aperçu quand il est censé être mort? Quid de Darkseid? Où sont passés les coéquipiers d'Alan Scott?

  • Début le 22 juin!

  • Les couvertures seront réalisées par Mitch Gerads


In Infinite Frontier #0, when our heroes saved the DC Multiverse from Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged...and we do mean everything! All the damage from all the Crises was undone, and heroes long thought gone returned from whatever exile they had been in.

Most of them, at least. The story isn’t over! Infinite Frontier #0 was just the beginning!

Infinite Frontier, a new six-issue miniseries by Joshua Williamson and Xermanico with covers by Mitch Gerads, begins on June 22 to further explore DC’s rapidly expanding Multiverse!

In this summer event, Alan Scott, the Green Lantern from the Justice Society of America, has noticed some of his allies are still missing in action, and he's determined to find them. There are others, though, that would rather remain hidden than explain themselves, like Roy Harper, a.k.a. Arsenal, a man who should be dead now is not. Plus, what does all this mean for the DCU's place in the Multiverse? On opposite sides of a dimensional divide, both Barry Allen and President Superman ponder this question. Not to mention the Darkseid of it all! Or a team of Multiversal heroes called Justice Incarnate!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This brand-new event from DC has one foot in the past, but both eyes looking forward to a future that they hope will remain as bright as it seems!

Infinite Frontier, a new six-issue miniseries by Joshua Williamson and Xermanico with covers by Mitch Gerads, launches on June 22. And grab yourself a copy of Infinite Frontier #0 today!

scarletneedle 02/03/2021 17h28

Confiance aveugle en Williamson et Xermanico! :woot:

scarletneedle 02/03/2021 18h08

Source DC Comics

L'équipe artistique de Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow vient d'être dévoilée : Tom King, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes sont aux commandes de la mini-série dédiée à Kara débutant en juin.


Supergirl returns to DC’s comics this summer to headline her first new series in years: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow! Launching in DC’s Infinite Frontier era with art by Bilquis Evely and Mat Lopes, written by Tom King, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow takes Supergirl—and sidekick Krypto—into space on a journey that will have Supergirl fans cheering for more!

Kara Zor-El has seen some epic adventures over the years, but has recently found her life without meaning or purpose. Here she is, a young woman who saw her planet destroyed and was sent to Earth to protect a baby cousin who ended up not needing her. What was it all for? Wherever she goes, people only see her through the lens of Superman’s fame.

Just when Supergirl thinks she’s had enough, everything changes. An alien girl seeks her out for a vicious mission: her world has been destroyed and the bad guys responsible are still out there. She wants revenge and if Supergirl doesn’t help her, she’ll do it herself, whatever the cost.

Now, a Kryptonian, a dog and an angry heartbroken child head out into space on a journey that will shake them to their very core!

Brought to you by Eisner Award-winning writer Tom King (Batman/Catwoman, Mister Miracle and Rorschach) and Eisner nominee artist Bilquis Evely (Sandman Universe: The Dreaming) this maxiseries promises to be a character-defining masterpiece the likes of which has never been seen before for DC’s Maiden of Might.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, a new eight-issue limited series by Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes and Tom King, launches on June 15. For more information on DC’s Infinite Frontier, Supergirl, Krypto and the World’s Greatest Super Heroes, visit the website at and follow on social media at @DCComics and @thedcnation. Sign up for a free trial of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE at

scarletneedle 02/03/2021 18h08

Vendu! :bave:

ollieno 02/03/2021 18h10

ouais mais non

hannah 02/03/2021 18h27

Qui dessine la couverture ?

Fletcher Arrowsmith 02/03/2021 18h30


Envoyé par hannah (Message 1858604)
Qui dessine la couverture ?

Bilquis Evely et Mat Lopes

scarletneedle 02/03/2021 18h31

Bilquis Evely, j'aime beaucoup le trait de la dessinatrice brésilienne!

hannah 02/03/2021 18h36

Ca ressemble à plein de trucs et en même temps, non. Difficile à dater.

wildcard 02/03/2021 18h50

Tom King et "Supergirl", voilà deux noms que je ne pensais pas voir associés. Mais pourquoi pas ?
De toute façon, avec Bilquis Evely, ça donne envie.

Ben Wawe 02/03/2021 19h19

Le Superman de Tom King était assez fort.

wildcard 04/03/2021 18h20


Envoyé par Ben Wawe (Message 1858623)
Le Superman de Tom King était assez fort.

J'ai pas trop accroché, alors que j'aime beaucoup ce qu'il fait par ailleurs.
Mais en ce moment, il se renouvelle pas mal. Son "Rorschach" est excellent. "Strange Adventures" était inégal dans sa première moitié, mais récemment ça fonctionne mieux. Pour "Batman/Catwoman", c'est très beau, mais la narration fragmentée me dérange un peu.

Ben Wawe 04/03/2021 18h42

J'ai lâché Rorschach, ce n'est pas du tout pour moi.

Fred le mallrat 04/03/2021 19h13

Je suis ok avec wildcard sur tout sauf strange aventures qui est oui inégal mais de bonne tenue pour moi-même sur la 1ete partie.
C est toujours intriguant avec de bonnes parties malgré un petit goût ou il manque un jenesaisquoi
Ce qui fait su on est pas loin du 100% d accord

Ben Wawe 04/03/2021 21h03

Oui, Rorschach surfe sur Watchmen alors que je ne suis pas intéressé par les reprises de cet univers (j'ai essayé Before Watchmen et Doomsday Clock, et revoir ces personnages m'a crispé à chaque fois). Je ne suis pas non plus intéressé par l'intrigue politique, les jeux de narration, le mystère instauré...
Franchement, je m'en fiche complètement, ça me passe au-dessus.
C'est objectivement bien fait, mais ça ne m'intéresse juste pas.

Strange Adventures me plaît bien après un début que j'ai trouvé trop proche de Mister Miracle. J'aime beaucoup les deux temporalités, les renvois entre elles, et le "jeu" pour savoir si Adam Strange dit vrai ou non (et, franchement, ça me rappelle Homeland, tout ça).

Batman/Catwoman, je pense que ça se lira vraiment bien en une fois. Là, avec trois temporalités, sans délimitation "claire" (ok, il y a les costumes, mais ce n'est pas comme Shaner et Gerads qui se partagent les épisodes), une narration volontairement obscure... c'est bien, hein, mais ça sera vraiment bien en lisant tout d'un coup.

Maintenant, j'aime bien ce que fait Tom King... quand il reste dans son coin. Quand on le laisse dans son coin.
Heroes in Crisis a vraiment été une mauvaise chose, et pour l'auteur, et pour les personnages, et pour l'éditeur.
Tom King n'est pas fait pour "jouer avec les autres", dans un titre qui réagit ou interagit avec d'autres. C'est un auteur de récits autonomes, uniques.

Tom King, c'est quand même le type fait pour le Black Label, non ?

wildcard 05/03/2021 19h01

On est d'accord. Et je pense que King va produire exclusivement pour le Black Label tant que DC le gardera (le label et King). Même sa future mini sur "Supergirl", c'est un format à part.

J'aimai bien son "Batman" mais je reconnais que le second acte (après le "mariage") était trop long. Surtout j'ai eu le sentiment que le Flashpoint Batman lui avait été imposé, ou alors il n'a pas su le traiter. Bane aurait dû rester le cerveau de tout son run.

Pour "Rorschach", je trouve très malin l'usage qu'il fait de l'univers Watchmen. Il l'évoque, de loin, mais on sent qu'il ne veut pas vraiment y toucher, le modifier, et ça me convient. Je trouve ça en tout cas plus correct que "Doomsday Clock". Et puis j'adore cette ambiance polar politique, le perso du détective dont on ne sait rien.
Mais c'est certain qu'il faut adhérer dès le départ, sinon c'est pas la peine.

Ben Wawe 05/03/2021 19h36


Envoyé par wildcard (Message 1859087)
On est d'accord. Et je pense que King va produire exclusivement pour le Black Label tant que DC le gardera (le label et King). Même sa future mini sur "Supergirl", c'est un format à part.

Oui, clairement. Et c'est très bien comme ça.


Envoyé par wildcard (Message 1859087)
J'aimai bien son "Batman" mais je reconnais que le second acte (après le "mariage") était trop long. Surtout j'ai eu le sentiment que le Flashpoint Batman lui avait été imposé, ou alors il n'a pas su le traiter. Bane aurait dû rester le cerveau de tout son run.

Tu as raison.
Perso', je trouve que c'est surtout la saga Nightmare (ou Knightmare, whatever), où Bruce a été vaincu et voit plein d'illusions (et les "utilise" pour s'enfuir ; comme chez Morrison, encore), qui est bien trop longue et m'a gavée.
Je ne sais pas si King a subi le Batman de Flashpoint, parce que finalement beaucoup de son run tourne autour du lien entre Bruce et son père, en tout cas ses parents. Son premier épisode évoque quand même quelle "belle mort" serait jugée digne par ses parents morts.
La victoire de Bruce contre ce Thomas, c'est aussi Batman qui cesse d'être un enfant rongé par la mort de ses parents et devient un adulte, prêt à s'engager (se marier et avoir un enfant).

Mais bon, City of Bane est aussi long, avec un rythme plutôt bof, et une confrontation finale ratée (= j'en espérais bien plus).


Envoyé par wildcard (Message 1859087)
Pour "Rorschach", je trouve très malin l'usage qu'il fait de l'univers Watchmen. Il l'évoque, de loin, mais on sent qu'il ne veut pas vraiment y toucher, le modifier, et ça me convient. Je trouve ça en tout cas plus correct que "Doomsday Clock". Et puis j'adore cette ambiance polar politique, le perso du détective dont on ne sait rien.
Mais c'est certain qu'il faut adhérer dès le départ, sinon c'est pas la peine.

C'est ça. Ce n'est juste pas pour moi, mais ça a l'air très bien.

wildcard 06/03/2021 18h50

Pareil. C'est à partir de "Knightmares", que ça devient longuet. Surtout que la qualité des cauchemars est très inégale (le pire étant le chapitre avec Lois et Selina dans la forteresse de solitude).

Le dernier arc de King sur "Batman", ("City of Bane") reflète bien l'irrégularité de la fin de son run. Comme il avait prévu de faire 100 épisodes, je pense qu'il a dû sacrifier des éléments. Mais paradoxalement, ça reste mou, on a l'impression que le coeur n'y est plus. Je n'ai pas bien compris pourquoi on l'avait empêché de finir son run comme prévu, alors qu'apparemment la série se vendait bien avec lui.

C'est aussi pour ça que je suis réservé avec "Batman/Catwoman" qui était annoncé comme, justement, la fin de sa saga, alors que ça me semble raconter une toute autre histoire, sans lien véritable avec ce qui a précédé.

Ben Wawe 06/03/2021 21h57

Ah ouais, l'épisode Lois/Selina, au secours.

Comme je l'avais compris, Batman/Catwoman devait intervenir après City of Bane directement. Ca aurait fait 97 épisodes.
Je pense que DC a raboté quelques numéros prévus (car Tom King n'a pas écrit les 85 premiers épisodes de la série Batman de la période Rebirth, Williamson en a au moins écrit deux pour le deuxième crossover avec Flash). Mais je pense que Tom King voulait acter, avec la fin de City of Bane, "l'indépendance", la maturité de Batman, pour montrer ensuite qu'il est prêt à avoir une famille, même si ça s'accompagne de soucis.

Ca aurait aussi correspondu à une fin de run sur le Joker... ce qui demeure tentant, pour un auteur Batman.

scarletneedle 08/03/2021 17h01

DC prépare les 80 ans de Wonder Woman avec notamment un Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular prévu en octobre :


DC, Warner Bros. Global Brands and Experiences and WarnerMedia are bringing the “Wonder” to International Women’s Day by launching a global celebration that honors the 80-year legacy of DC’s Champion of Truth and Warrior for Peace -- Wonder Woman. Embracing the call to see the world through Wonder Woman’s eyes and to “Believe in Wonder,” the 80th Anniversary celebration illuminates the Super Hero’s timeless and relevant message of hope and empowerment with original content, commemorative comics, books, and global fashion collections and experiences. This multi-month campaign will culminate with a worldwide celebration of Wonder Woman Day on October 21.

Wonder Woman’s 80th Anniversary celebration features content, comics, books, fashion and much more:

The iconic, fan favorite Wonder Woman television titles are reborn with the new “retro-remix” video, tapping into the nostalgia of Wonder Woman and featuring Gal Gadot doing the signature spin that Lynda Carter made famous in the original series.

On Sunday, March 7 talent kicked off the celebration via their social channels:

Lynda Carter - Instagram
​Gal Gadot - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

DC and WarnerMedia announce a power-packed video inspired by Wonder Woman showcasing the impact of women around the world and the powerful women connected in the Company’s content and products. This year, WarnerMedia will produce videos that shine a spotlight on 80 “Women of Wonder'' including real women, network journalists and talent, cultural figures, experts, influencers and celebrities who – like Wonder Woman herself – are advancing representation in their fields, acting as real-life superheroes and giving us reasons to “Believe in Wonder.”

​World renowned designers Venus Williams, Camilla, and Azede Jean-Pierre collaborated with Warner Bros. Consumer Products on Wonder Woman inspired fashion collections. EleVen’s “I Am Wonder Woman” activewear line by international tennis champion and entrepreneur Venus Williams is available now. Also available, is a luxurious limited-edition collection from Australian designer Camilla, and later this month award-winning designer Azede Jean-Pierre will reveal a custom collection featuring never-before-seen artwork.

​Beginning today, DC honors the creation and legacy of Wonder Woman making All-Star Comics #8 (the first appearance of Wonder Woman), Sensation Comics #1 (the first comic headlined by Wonder Woman), and Wonder Woman #1 (1942) free to read on the ultimate fan destination for DC: DC UNIVERSE INFINITE.

Also announced today, Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular will bring together some of the greatest storytellers in comics and entertainment for a tribute to Wonder Woman in a collectible keepsake. Available this October on Wonder Woman Day, fans can look forward to original stories and a beautiful art montage by Eisner Award-winning artist Yanick Paquette (Wonder Woman: Earth One) with colors by Nathan Fairbairn.

The hit movie Wonder Woman 1984 starring Gal Gadot releases in Digital HD on March 16 in the U.S., and then on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on March 30. In addition, the animated feature Justice Society: World War II will be available on Digital on April 27 and on 4K and Blu-ray on May 11. Throughout March, Wonder Woman 1984 will also release digitally across international territories and will be available on participating digital platforms.

DC is debuting custom art that pays tribute to Wonder Woman’s legacy while looking ahead toward her future. The pop art design was created by INNOCEAN USA, which also designed the 80th anniversary logo, and drew its inspiration from the iconic cover of Wonder Woman #4 (2016) by artist Nicola Scott.

Additional content and experiences honoring the power of women and our own Wonder Woman:

DC celebrates Wonder Woman’s 80th Anniversary with an assortment of comic books and original graphic novels for any fan of the amazing Amazon:

Nubia: Real One – Available now, this young adult graphic novel celebrates the heroism of Wonder Woman in a reimagining of the story of her twin sister, Nubia. Originally created for the comics in 1973 (Wonder Woman #204), this YA version, written by celebrated author L.L. McKinney features art by Robyn Smith and takes readers on Nubia’s heroic journey against the backdrop of modern-day racism and inequality.

Wonderful Women of History – Available September 28, 2021, this young adult graphic novel continues DC’s rich legacy of celebrating inspirational figures throughout history and hearkens back to the original “Wonder Woman of History” feature series that ran in the back of issues of Sensation Comics and Wonder Woman from 1942-1954. Presented in a graphic novel style, the anthology profiles women from all walks of life who are inspiring young readers today to be the leaders of tomorrow who learn, build and dream.

Sensational Wonder Woman Vol. 1 – Available in comic book stores, book retailers and on digital platforms on October 5, this book collects the first six issues of an anthology of self-contained Wonder Woman stories from some of the industry’s most popular writers and artists.

Wonder Woman Earth One Vol. 3 – Available at comic book stores, book stores and on participating digital platforms, Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 3 is the epic conclusion to the New York Times bestselling original graphic novel series from the acclaimed team of writer Grant Morrison and artist Yanick Paquette.

DC UNIVERSE INFINITE: New Wonder Woman selections will be made available to read for free each month along with curated collections celebrating essential stories through the decades. And keep an eye on the DC Community Book Club for some upcoming Wonder Woman offerings and epic conversations with fellow fans!

DC Shop: Get your exclusive ‘Believe in Wonder’ Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary T-shirt here.

Digital Stories: Fans of all ages can enjoy listening to four brand new You Choose Wonder Woman Stories from Capstone available via Google Assistant here today! Google users can also say “Hey Google, talk to Wonder Woman Stories” or “Talk to You Choose Wonder Woman Stories” to pull it up on their device. Additionally, Serial Box will release their Wonder Woman: Heartless serialized story exclusively via the Serial Box app. That story is available for pre-order now and will be released on March 25.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will offer the feature film Wonder Woman 1984 on Digital HD on March 16 in the U.S., and then on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on March 30. In addition, the animated feature Justice Society: World War II will be available on Digital on April 27 and on 4K and Blu-ray on May 11. Throughout March, Wonder Woman 1984 will also release digitally across international territories.

HBO Max: Wonder Woman (2017) starring Gal Gadot and every episode of the Wonder Woman television series starring Lynda Carter are available this month on HBO Max.

Warner Bros. Games will recognize Wonder Woman’s anniversary all year long via special promotions and activations in its popular ongoing game titles like DC Universe Online, Injustice 2, and DC Legends. Additionally, Nintendo will join the celebration on June 4, 2021 when it releases DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power, a brand-new title for the Nintendo Switch system starring Wonder Woman in a lead role alongside Batgirl and Supergirl as they try to protect Metropolis from a fearsome group of foes.

DC Wonder Woman Virtual Run (5K or 10K) from Rugged Races in partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products will return for a second year after record-breaking participation in 2020. Families and individuals will find that the virtual run is a great way to get moving and bring some of Wonder Woman’s unconquerable warrior spirit into their lives. Runs open for registration in July. More information is available at

International Activities:

Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi is set to host Women of Warner. Taking place on March 8 from 6 pm to 10 pm, guests are in for a spectacular celebration of International Women’s Day. Warner Bros. World will introduce the ‘Wonder Woman Exhibit’ in Treasures of Hollywood at the Warner Bros. Plaza. Running until May 18, the ‘Wonder Woman Exhibit’ will feature the Wonder Woman costume as worn by Gal Gadot and Steve Trevor’s costume as worn by Chris Pine, among many other original items from the Warner Bros. Pictures film, Wonder Woman.

Warner Bros. Mexico recently launched an exclusive new Wonder Woman 80th-branded collection in C&A stores, featuring fashionable apparel for the entire family.

Warner Bros. UK will have Wonder Woman 1984 available to own digitally on 8th March and available for purchase on 4K, Blu-ray, DVD from 22nd March.

The History of Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman first appeared in All Star Comics #8 on October 21,1941 in a back-up story meant to test her appeal at a time when female Super Heroes were rare. An instant favorite, Wonder Woman was soon headlining her own standalone title less than a year later. Subsequent generations came to know the Amazonian princess with silver bracelets on her wrists and a magic lasso by her waist via her hit 1970’s television series as well as roles in animated shows and movies. The groundbreaking 2017 film Wonder Woman by director Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot was the largest grossing live action film ever for a female director at the time of release. The sequel, Wonder Woman 1984 premiered on HBOMax and in theaters globally December 25, 2020. Warner Bros. Pictures confirmed the third Wonder Woman movie starring Gadot will also be written by Jenkins.

Fans can join in on social media using hashtags #WonderWoman80 and #BelieveInWonder. Visit for the latest news and updates.

The History of Wonder Woman
Created by William Moulton Marston, a psychologist who was a pioneer in the area of lie-detection, Wonder Woman was conceived as a new type of Super Hero who used wisdom and compassion, not just her fists, to triumph over evil. Born and raised on Themyscira, Diana is the immortal daughter of the Amazonian Queen Hippolyta. After training to be the ultimate warrior, she chooses to leave her paradise island home and join the world of mortals, where she becomes a champion for justice and equality as Wonder Woman. She was imbued by the gods with powers including super-strength and gifted with a lasso that compels anyone bound by it to tell the truth. Wonder Woman is the only female comic book character to have her own stories continuously published for the past three-plus quarters of a century.

scarletneedle 09/03/2021 22h46

Oh, My God!


Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #2
FOC: March 21
On Sale: May 4

Batman is trapped on the Island–unable to speak, his memory gone, having to fight to survive against the deadliest warriors of countless worlds. Can even the World's Greatest Detective escape this trap when time itself resets every 22 minutes? And will the presence of someone else from Gotham City–a familiar feline fatale–help or hinder his efforts…especially when they don't remember each other? In another life, they were enemies, friends, partners…but here on the Island, can they do anything but battle to the death?

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3
FOC: April 4
On Sale: May 18

Batman versus Snake Eyes. That's it. That's the solicit. You heard us, BATMAN VERSUS SNAKE EYES! Yes, THAT Snake Eyes! Worlds collide on the Island as G.I. Joe's unstoppable ninja clashes with the Dark Knight! Can either of them win, when neither can escape? Will Batman remember he's got to find a way back to Catwoman, all while trying to get back to Gotham City? And what the heck is Harley Quinn doing here?! Oh, and in case we forgot to mention it: Batman. Fighting. Snake Eyes. Do not miss it!

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #4
FOC: April 18
On Sale: June 1

Batman has broken free from the Loop and the endless cycle of combat. Now free to explore the island without limitation, the World's Greatest Detective will discover secrets about the world of Fortnite never before revealed in the game or anywhere else. Just one thing…he's not alone. Not only is he met by a rogue faction of Fortnite bandits who have ALSO escaped the loop–Eternal Voyager! Bandolette! Magnus! Fishstick! And a few others–there's someone else trapped, someone who is trying to get free from the world of Fortnite…someone deadly. Will Batman recognize this familiar hunter-for-hire, and even more importantly, will he trust him? Just because Batman's out of the Loop doesn't mean the fighting is over…

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #5
FOC: May 2
On Sale: June 15

Batman, Catwoman, and the unlikely band of renegade Fortnite fighters make their way deep into the underground complex of the Island in a desperate hunt to escape the Loop–they'll explore areas never before seen in the game, with secrets discovered only by the World's Greatest Detective. Along the way they'll fight for their lives…uncover revelations about the history and inner workings of the world of Fortnite…and face a betrayal from one of their own as our story hurtles toward its explosive conclusion!

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #6
FOC: May 23
On Sale: July 6

It all comes down to this! Batman and Catwoman have one chance to get back to their own world…but to do so, they'll have to return to the nonstop battle on the Island and retrieve someone who is the key to their escape…Harley Quinn! But she's not going to go quietly. And who's behind the world-shattering events of our story? You'll find out…and the implications for both Fortnite and the DC Universe will be huge.

scarletneedle 09/03/2021 22h47

J'avais déjà craqué pour le #1...
Je sens que je vais tout faire, en tout cas, le #3 c'est sûr.

scarletneedle 11/03/2021 17h49

Source DC Comics

En juin, DC sort le comic anthologique DC Pride et la mini-série Crush & Lobo en 8 parties par Mariko Tamaki et Amancay Nahuelpan, le tout accompagnées de Variant Covers pour plusieurs titres :


DC Proudly Announces ‘DC Pride’ Anthology Comic to arrive June 8
and ‘Crush & Lobo’ Comic Book Miniseries Launching on June 1

Nine Pride themed variant covers will feature artwork by Kris Anka, Jen Bartel, Stephen Byrne, Paulina Ganucheau, Travis G. Moore, David Talaski, Kevin Wada and Yoshi Yoshitani

Young Adult books ‘Poison Ivy: Thorns’ and ‘I Am Not Starfire’ make their 2021 debut, and GLAAD-nominated ‘Suicide Squad: Bad Blood’ brings LGBTQIA+ characters to the forefront of DC’s publishing line

DC today announced DC Pride, an 80-page anthology comic featuring LGBTQIA+ characters from across the DC Universe, and Crush & Lobo, a new eight-issue miniseries written by Mariko Tamaki (This One Summer, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) with art by Amancay Nahuelpan (Nightwing, Wonder Woman). Crush & Lobo will launch on June 1 and DC Pride will publish on June 8. DC will also publish a series of nine Pride themed variant covers in June, showcasing DC’s top characters as realized by the comic book industry’s leading artists.
DC Pride #1 will feature LGBTQIA+ characters from all corners of DC’s ever-expanding Universe, including cameos by fan favorites Batwoman, Renee Montoya, Alan Scott, Midnighter, Apollo, Extraño, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Constantine, and more. The DC Pride creative teams, and the characters they’re developing stories for, are:

Batwoman (Kate Kane) by James Tynion IV & Trung Le Nguyen
Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn by Mariko Tamaki & Amy Reeder
Midnighter by Steve Orlando & Stephen Byrne
Flash of Earth-11 (Jess Chambers) by Danny Lore & Lisa Sterle
Green Lantern (Alan Scott) & Obsidian by Sam Johns & Klaus Janson
Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) by Andrew Wheeler & Luciano Vecchio
Dreamer by Nicole Maines & Rachel Stott
Renee Montoya by Vita Ayala and Skylar Patridge
Pied Piper by Sina Grace, Ro Stein & Ted Brandt

Additionally, DC Pride #1 will include full-page profiles of DCTV’s LGBTQIA+ characters and the actors who play them, and fans of The CW’s Supergirl will be thrilled to see the first comic book appearance of Dreamer, a trans woman superhero, in a story written by actor Nicole Maines, who plays Nia Nal/Dreamer on Supergirl.

Rounding out the DC Pride anthology is a forward by Marc Andreyko (Love is Love), single-page pin-ups by artists Kris Anka, Sophie Campbell, Mildred Louis, Travis Moore, Nick Robles and Kevin Wada, with more surprises to come! The DC Pride #1 cover is by Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Tamra Bonvillain.

DC will also release a series of Pride themed variant covers showcasing DC’s leading characters through the month of June, giving fans the opportunity to purchase comics featuring covers with Batman, Harley, Ivy, Superman, Wonder Woman, and more, all by cutting-edge comic book artists!

Batman #109 Pride variant cover by Jen Bartel
Crush & Lobo #1 Pride variant cover by Yoshi Yoshitani
DC Pride #1 Pride variant cover by Jen Bartel
Harley Quinn #4 Pride variant cover by Kris Anka
Nightwing #81 Pride variant cover by Travis G. Moore
Superman #32 Pride variant cover by David Talaski
Teen Titans Academy #4 Pride variant cover by Stephen Byrne
Wonder Girl #2 Pride variant cover by Kevin Wada
Wonder Woman #773 Pride variant cover by Paulina Ganucheau

But DC’s Pride plans aren’t limited to June! Crush & Lobo by Tamaki and Nahuelpan, spinning out of the pages of Teen Titans Academy, will debut with a cover by Kris Anka, a Pride variant cover by Yoshi Yoshitani, a 1:25 ratio variant by Christian Ward, plus an exclusive Dan Hipp team variant for participating retailers. In this new eight-issue miniseries publishing between June 2021 and January 2022, Crush, daughter of the Czarnian bounty hunter Lobo, is in full-on self-destruct mode! After rage-quitting the Teen Titans and blowing up her relationship with her girlfriend Katie, Crush decides it’s time to finally confront her father in space jail and get her baggage sorted before she wrecks everything. Like father, like daughter?

DC will also publish GLAAD Media Award-nominated Suicide Squad: Bad Blood by Tom Taylor (Injustice: Gods Among Us) and Bruno Redondo (Nightwing) on April 27, DC’s gothic LGBTQIA+ romance Poison Ivy: Thorns by Kody Keplinger (The DUFF) and Sara Kipin on June 1, and Mariko Tamaki and Yoshi Yoshitani’s highly anticipated YA graphic novel, I Am Not Starfire, will publish on July 27 as part of the publisher’s overall Pride plans in 2021. Lois Lane by Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins, Far Sector by N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell and You Brought Me The Ocean by Alex Sánchez and Julie Maroh have also been nominated for GLAAD Media Awards in 2021!

scarletneedle 11/03/2021 18h12


Batman: Urban Legends #4 hits shelves June 8 with more Grifter, more Red Hood, more Tim Drake, and a Luke Fox story by The CW’s Batwoman actor Camrus Johnson!

In Batman: Urban Legends #4 on June 8:

The Penultimate chapter of the Grifter story is here! Grifter’s walking a deadly line between Lucius Fox and HALO’s plan…can he survive the endgame? Oh, and yeah, now Superman is after him!

As old wounds threaten to Sabotage Batman and Red Hood's investigation into the Cheerdrop drug turning Gotham City upside down they run afoul of Gotham's coldest criminal MR. FREEZE! And the force behind the Cheerdrops will be banking on the former dynamic duo's demise…

TIM DRAKE has returned to the streets of Gotham City and is seeking a new purpose, but what he finds is a string of young adult kidnappings committed by someone known only as "The Chaos Monster" will Tim be able to get to the root of the kidnappings or will he fall prey to them? Critically acclaimed Future State Robin Eternal writer Meghan Fitzmartin returns to tell this Tim Drake story with rising star artist Belén Ortega

Acclaimed creator and actor Camrus Johnson writes an action-packed story featuring Luke Fox—the character he portrays on The CW’s hit television series BATWOMAN!

Batman: Urban Legends #4, publishing on June 8, will feature stories and art by Chip Zdarsky, Meghan Fitzmartin, Matthew Rosenberg, Camrus Johnson, Eddy Barrows, Belén Ortega, Ryan Benjamin, Marcus To, Eber Ferriera, and more, with a cover Jorge Molina and variant covers by Dustin Nguyen and Irvin Rodrigues.
Ca sent les sollicitations pour demain!

ollieno 11/03/2021 18h39

il faudrait que DC arrête de vouloir faire 300 points au Scrabble, et utilise QUEER

mais le bouquin m'interresses.
le Lobo à voir, suis pas familier des auteurs (j'ai lut mais pas plus que ça)

wildcard 11/03/2021 18h55

DC qui célèbre les héros gay alors qu'ils avaient empêché Rucka et Williams III d'officialiser le couple Kate Kane-Renee Montoya et Phil Jimenez d'aller dans cette direction avec Superwoman... C'est assez... Comment dire ?... Osé.

ollieno 11/03/2021 19h26


Envoyé par wildcard (Message 1859774)
DC qui célèbre les héros gay alors qu'ils avaient empêché Rucka et Williams III d'officialiser le couple Kate Kane-Renee Montoya et Phil Jimenez d'aller dans cette direction avec Superwoman... C'est assez... Comment dire ?... Osé.

regarde les couv.. ils font marche arrière sur Harley et Ivy ^^ (déjà dans un 80 pages récent)

scarletneedle 11/03/2021 19h29

C'était une autre ère donc non pas osé, dans l'air du temps plutôt.

mellencamp 11/03/2021 19h54


Envoyé par ollieno (Message 1859766)
il faudrait que DC arrête de vouloir faire 300 points au Scrabble, et utilise QUEER

Pas assez inclusif! Si tu rates un acronyme tu te fais incendier...

Revanche 11/03/2021 20h06


Envoyé par scarletneedle (Message 1859738)



Fletcher Arrowsmith 11/03/2021 21h28

Heureusement qu'il y a sa signature mais je n'ai pas reconnu Jim Lee comme artist cover.

EsseJi 12/03/2021 10h03


Envoyé par arrowsmith (Message 1859814)
Heureusement qu'il y a sa signature mais je n'ai pas reconnu Jim Lee comme artist cover.

C'est peut-être dû à ses soucis de santé qu'il partage sur les réseaux sociaux.


Envoyé par Jim Lee
Been nursing an injured right hand by keeping off all non-essentials but getting back into the swing of it all. You can see the ring finger is socially distancing from the middle for no good reason. BTW the out of alignment thumb is from an old football injury in high school...

scarletneedle 12/03/2021 17h16

Source DC Comics

Le projet de James Tynion IV et Alvaro Martinez Bueno est une maxi-série en 12 épisodes sous le label Black Label débutant en juin : voilà The Nice House, un titre horrifique.


It all begins with the nice house on the lake…

Everyone who was invited to the house knows Walter—well, they know him a little, anyway. Some met him in childhood; some met him months ago. And Walter’s always been a little…off. But after the hardest year of their lives, nobody was going to turn down Walter’s invitation to an astonishingly beautiful house in the woods, overlooking an enormous sylvan lake.

It’s beautiful, it’s opulent, it’s private—so a week of putting up with Walter’s weird little schemes and nicknames in exchange for the vacation of a lifetime? Why not? All of them were at that moment in their lives when they could feel themselves pulling away from their other friends; wouldn’t a chance to reconnect be…nice? Wouldn’t an escape from the horrors of their everyday lives be…idyllic?

Would you accept this invitation from one of your oldest friends?
In the first twelve-issue season of The Nice House On The Lake by James Tynion IV, Álvaro Martínez Bueno and Jordie Bellaire, the overriding anxieties of the 21st century get a terrifying new face—and it might just be the face of the person you once trusted most. Launching this June as a monthly DC Black Label maxiseries, The Nice House On The Lake is the next blockbuster horror franchise in the making!

The Nice House on the Lake launches on June 1 with a cover by Álvaro Martínez Bueno and a card stock variant cover by Martin Simmonds. The Nice House on the Lake carries an Ages 17+ content descriptor (for mature readers) and retails for $3.99.

scarletneedle 12/03/2021 17h20

Damned, encore raté pour la JSA... :(

scarletneedle 12/03/2021 17h22

Checkmate revient : initialement intitulée Event Levianthan: Checkmate e prévue en 2020, la mini-série de Brian Bendis et Alex Maleev revient avec le même casting.


Exclusive! CHECKMATE coming this June from @dccomics @thedcnation covers and interiors by the Eisner award winning @alex_maleev with color art by @dragonmnky variant by the amazing @matttaylordraws" Bendis wrote on Instagram. "The superspies of the DC universe have a new leader in the form of the mysterious Mr. King. Their mission: take down leviathan. Guest starring Superman, Talia, Robin and a cast of thousands. Introducing a brand new underworld assassin only known as... (you’ll find out this June)

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