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Vieux 01/07/2011, 04h51
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DC Nation juillet 2011

Nouveau mois, nouveau topic : comme les mois derniers, le 1er post du topic servira d'index pour les news afin de faciliter l'accès à celles-ci quand elles seront noyées au milieu des discussions qu'elles entraînent.

Le topic du mois dernier :[URL=""] ici[/URL].
[LIST][*][B]Batman: Odyssey [/B]par Neal Adams [url=]revient[/url] en octobre.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Tony Daniel sur [B]Detective Comics[/B].

[*]Un [url=]panel[/url] de [B]Batman #1[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] d'Ethan Van Sciver.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel sur [B]Static Shock[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Scott Snyder sur [B]Swamp Thing[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Tom Derenick sur [B]Men Of War[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de J.H Williams III sur [B]Batwoman[/B].

[*]Les [url=]couvertures[/url] des titres Retroactive 90's.

[*]La [I][url=]Variant Cover[/url][/I] de [B]Flashpoint #4[/B] par Rags Morales.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Grant Morrison.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Scott Snyder sur [B]Batman[/B] et [B]Swamp Thing[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Scott Lobdell sur [B]DSuperboy[/B] et [B]Teen Titans[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Francis Manapul sur [B]Flash[/B].

[*]La [url=]couverture[/url] de [B]Batgirl #2[/B] par Adam Hughes.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Tom DeFalco sur [B]Superman Beyond[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Dan Jurgens sur [B]Green Arrow[/B] et [B]Justice League International[/B].

[*]La [I][url=]Variant Cover[/url][/I] de [B]Batman: Gates Of Gotham #4[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] d'Eric Wallace sur [B]Mister Terrific[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Paul Jenkins et Bernard Chang sur [B]DC Universe Presents[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Scott Lobdell et Brett Booth sur [B]Teen Titans[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Sterling Gates sur [B]Hawk & Dove[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Paul Levitz et Francis Portela sur [B]Legion Of Super-Heroes[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Fabian Nicieza sur [B]Legion Lost[/B].

[*]La [url=]couverture[/url] de [B]Flashpoint: Knight Of Vengeance #3[/B].

[*]La [url=]sollicitation[/url] de [B]Batman & Robin #2[/B].

[*]La [url=]sollicitation[/url] de [B]Detective Comics #2[/B].

[*]En octobre, Huntress obtient sa [url=]mini-série[/url] en 5 épisodes par Paul Levitz et Marcus To.

[*]La [url=]sollicitation[/url] de [B]Batman #2[/B].

[*]Autre [url=]mini-série[/url] qui débute en octobre dans le Bat-Verse avec [B]PENGUIN: PAIN AND PREJUDICE[/B].

[*]La [url=]sollicitation[/url] de[B] Catwoman #2[/B].

[*]La [url=]sollicitation[/url] de [B]Batwoman #2[/B].

[*]Nouvelle série [url=]The Shade par James Robinson[/url] en octobre.

[*]La [url=]couverture[/url] de [B]Flashpoint: Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown #3[/B].

[*][url=]La liste des auteurs[/url] qui vont travailler sur la maxi The Shade.

[*][url=]L'idendité du nouveau Green Lantern[/url] est révélée.

[*]Sortie d'un [url=]comics teaser[/url] sur les 52 de septembre.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Gregg Hurwiz sur [B]Penguin: Pain & Prejudice[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Paul Levitz sur [B]Huntress[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Tyler kirkham sur [B]Green Lantern: New Guardians[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Tony Bedard sur [B]Blue Beetle[/B].

[*]Dans la liste des nouveaux [url=]titres[/url] d’octobre, il y aura [B]My Greatest Adventure[/B] par Aaron Lopresti, Kevin Maguire, Matt Kindt et Scott Kolins sur 40 pages (pour $3.99) avec Garbage Man, Tanga et Robotman.

[*]En octobre, Paul Levitz et Chris Batista débutent une [url=]mini-série[/url] en 6 épisodes [B]Legion: Secret Origin[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Tony Bedard sur l'après [B]War Of The Green Lanterns[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Joshua Hale Fialkov sur[B] Superman / Batman[/B].

[*]La [I][url=]Variant Cover[/url][/I] de [B]Flashpoint #1[/B] pour le Comic-Con.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Scott Lobdell sur [B]Teen Titans[/B].

[*]Le [url=]crayonné[/url] du roster de la [B]Justice League[/B] par Jim Lee.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Paul Levitz sur [B]Legion: Secret Origin[/B].

[*]Un [url=]panel[/url] de [B]Justice League[/B].

[*][url=]La cover de Action Comics #1[/url] par Rags Morales.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Kyle Higgins sur[B] Nightwing[/B].

[*]DC officialise les [url=]changements[/url] de Superman.

[*]La [url=]couverture[/url] de [B]Superman #2 [/B]par George Perez.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Ben Abernathy sur la ligne Retroactive.

[*]La [url=]couverture[/url] d'[B]Action Comics #2 [/B]par Rags Morales.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Michael Green et Mike Johnson sur [B]Supergirl[/B].

[*]Dan Didio et Jim Lee [url=]parlent[/url] des changements sur l'Homme d'acier.

[*]Les [url=]couvertures[/url] de [B]Green Lantern Corps #63[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Dan Didio et Jim Lee.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Dan Didio et Jim Lee.

[*]La [url=]couverture[/url] de [B]Batman: Gates of Gotham #5[/B].

[*]Des [url=]aperçus[/url] d'[B]Action Comics[/B] par Rags Morales et de [B]Superman[/B] par George Perez et Jesus Merino.

[*]Le jeu vidéo [B]Uncharted[/B] va être [url=]adapté[/url] par Joshua Williamson et Francesco Francavilla avec des couvertures Adam Hughes.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Grant Morrison sur [B]Action Comics[/B].

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Bob Wayne.

[*][url=]Le nom[/url] du nouveau prétendant de Lois Lane est révélé.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Michael Green et Mike Johnson sur [B]Supergirl[/B].

[*]DC et IDW produisent [url=]Legion of Super Heroes/Star Trek[/url].

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Flashpoint Panel[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Comics Spotlight: GRANT MORRISON [/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Comics - The New 52 Thursday [/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Comics - The New 52 Friday[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Comics - The New 52 Sathurday[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Comics - The New 52 Sunday[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC SUPERMAN With Morrison, JMS [/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: BATMAN Creative Panel[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Comics JUSTICE LEAGUE Panel[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC: The Dark and The Edge[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC Focus - JIM LEE[/url]

[*][url=]SDCC 2011: DC: GREEN LANTERN [/url]

[*]Quelques [url=]designs[/url] DC dont certains ont beaucoup évolué depuis voire ont carrément été abandonnés.

[*]Une [url=]interview[/url] de Scott Lobdell sur [B]Superboy[/B] et [B]Teen Titans[/B].

[*]Karl Kerschl et Cameron Stewart reviennent pour une autre [url=]suite[/url] à [B]Assassin's Creed[/B] avec [B]Assassin's Creed: The Chain[/B] se déroulant en 1998.

[*]La [I][url=]Variant Cover[/url] [/I]de [B]Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search For Swamp Thing #3[/B] par David Mack.

[*]Les [I][url=]Variant Covers[/url][/I] par Dan Panosian et Phil Jimenez de [B]Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #13 [/B]et [B]Teen Titans #100[/B].

[*]Les [url=]couvertures[/url] de Flashpoint #5.

[*]Les retailers [url=]causent[/url] du relaunch.

[*]Jim Lee et Dan Didio ont [url=]entendu[/url] les suppliques sur le manque de représentativité de la femme chez DC COMICS.[/LIST]
Daenerys à Tyrion: Je suis venue ici pour boire du Cacolac et casser des gueules.
Et je viens de finir mon Cacolac !
Les recap' rigolotes

Dernière modification par EsseJi ; 21/07/2011 à 16h53.
Vieux 01/07/2011, 06h27
Avatar de scarletneedle
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-Gardien du Temple-
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Source [url=]Bleeding Cool[/url]

[B]Batman: Odyssey [/B]par Neal Adams revient en octobre :


L'avis de l'artiste sur le manque de promotion interne :

[QUOTE] What the heck is happening with Batman Odyssey?

DC tells us the solicitations have begun for the last 7 monthly issues.

Your stores have not been reacting to your enthusiasm, but rather, they have been reacting to the internet chatter. Chatter that I…. perhaps should have responded to.

Now it’s all verblunget and you guys are the ones who are losing out, and I am sorry.

The continuing series is just great! It’s exciting and dramatic with neanderthals, evolved dinosaurs, magicians, war, death, gnomes, trolls and tests, the like of which Batman, the modern Ulysses has never faced in his life… all happening in a real underworld.

The multiple climaxes are killer. But if you care…. Man, I hate to say this… you’ve got to hoc your stores like bloody hell to get these issues.

My promise to you is to give you the best, most exciting comic books ever. I’ve never failed you, and I never will. But this time, you’ve got to dig in and demand your stores get this. The best Batman series ever.

A note: You notice Marvel is actually promoting my work for them? Avengers and the “Secret Project?” You’ll notice Dark Horse is promoting Blood? Well, for some reason, DC isn’t promoting “Batman Odyssey.”

So…. it’s up to you and me, guys and gals.[/QUOTE]
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 18h47
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-Gardien du Temple-
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Source [I]Newsarama[/I]

Une interview de Tony Daniel sur [B]Detective Comics[/B] : [url=]ici[/url].
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 19h11
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
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Source [url=]iFanboy[/url]

Un panel de [B]Batman #1[/B] :

Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 19h15
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
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Pas très fute-fute une fois de plus DC...
En lançant un site pour les 52 titres, ils ont [url=]laissé[/url] des scénaristes en compétition non retenus pour certains titres...
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 20h49
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
Localisation: Manhattan, au bout d'une toile
Messages: 59 174
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DC livre des réponses à la majorité des questions des vendeurs :

[QUOTE][I]* Why do it? There is a lot of speculation out there, are you “rebooting” the titles?[/I]

This is an epic and ambitious initiative that ushers in a new generation of comics for DC Comics and will set the tone for storylines and characters for years to come. With all of the titles starting at #1, our creative teams have the ability to take a more modern approach – not only with each character, but with how the characters interact with one another and the universe as a whole, and focus on the earlier part of the careers of each of our iconic characters. A time when they didn’t have as much experience defeating all their nemeses. A time when they weren’t as sure of their abilities. A time when they haven’t saved the world countless times. It’s this period that is rich with creative opportunity as we show why these characters are so amazing, so iconic and so special.

We think fans will be excited by this approach and The New 52 will provide DC Entertainment an opportunity to aggressively reach the widest possible audience worldwide, through captivating stories and an accessible entry point. We see great opportunities to tell new, contemporary, cutting edge stories building off the best known, classic stories that make up each of the title’s back histories.

[I]* DC Comics has had a number of reboots, what makes this one different?[/I]

This is not a reboot, it’s a launch. This is a historic initiative for DC Entertainment and the DC Comics characters – and a first in the company’s publishing history. This next era of DC Comics characters will see 52 all-new #1 issues of its super hero titles at the same time AND same-day digital across the board. In addition to the number changes, our talented creative teams are working behind the scenes to create compelling storylines and new costume designs for many of our iconic DC Comics characters.

[I]* Why not call it a reboot?[/I]

It’s not a reboot. A reboot is typically a restart of the story or character that jettisons away everything that happened previously.

This is a new beginning which builds off the best of the past. For the stories launching as new #1s in September, we have carefully hand-selected the most powerful and pertinent moments in these characters’ lives and stories to remain in the mythology and lore. And then we’ve asked the best creators in the industry to modernize, update and enhance the books with new and exciting tales. The result is that we retained the good stuff, and then make it better.

[I]* Does The New 52 undo events or continuity that I’ve been reading?[/I]

Some yes, some no. But many of the great stories remain. For example – Batgirl. The Killing Joke still happened and she was Oracle. Now she will go through physical rehabilitation and become a more seasoned and nuanced character because she had these incredible and diverse experiences.

[I]* So will all titles be entry points or will you need to know back-story for some?[/I]

Each title will read as a #1 issue that will make jumping into the story extremely accessible for all types of readers. The stories are designed in a way that new fans will be able to pick up a book and immediately be drawn into the story, while at the same time existing fans will be engrossed by the new and epic moments that take place.
* Do the new #1s mean that the previous stories didn’t take place?[/I]

Our creative teams have a firm understanding of the storied heritage of characters and titles. The new #1 issues will introduce readers to a more modern, diverse universe of DC Comics characters, with some character variations in appearance, origin and age. All stories will be grounded in each character’s legend – but will map to real world situations, interactions, tragedies and triumphs.

Overall, DC Entertainment is focused on putting out the most innovative storylines, featuring the most iconic characters, created by the most creative minds within the industry.
* Might you just introduce a new DC “Ultimate” line and give it the spotlight for a few months, then have the opportunity to bring back the other continuity? Will this all be put back to “normal” after a few months?[/I]

No – this is the new universe of DC Comics characters. This is an epic and ambitious initiative that ushers in the next era of the DC Comics characters and will set the tone for storylines and characters for years to come. This is not an “event,” because events expire.

[I]* Why are you changing the costumes?[/I]

DC Entertainment is led by some of the biggest fans of comics out there. We know that if Geoff and Jim are excited about the stories and artwork, we’re on to something big. While there may be some naysayers, when we thought about starting the entire DC Comics universe line of comics with #1/first issues we looked at the benefits for the long haul, not just a year or two. Our goal is to create a watershed moment for DC Entertainment – and the industry as a whole – where fans will remember this as a time of innovation while maintaining DC Entertainment’s commitment to creating entertaining and masterfully created stories.

[I]* Do you not care about your company’s history? If you do this right, what do you want your legacy to be 75 years from now?[/I]

The legacy of DC Entertainment, and DC Comics before it, is based on the creativity of our editors and our creative talent, and our commitment to the best storytelling possible. DC has always been about character development and growth.

Take Batman for example. In the early days he was a vigilante who brandished a gun. Then he morphed into a whimsical character and then in the 1960′s he became more of the gritty, grim avenger of the night. We can all agree that we are glad Batman evolved.

Our goal is to create a watershed moment for DC Entertainment – and the industry as a whole – where fans will remember this as a time of innovation while maintaining DC Entertainment’s commitment to creating entertaining and masterfully created stories.

[I]* Specifically why end Action and Detective before they reach their 1,000th issues? Action Comics is the longest running American comic book, followed closely by Detective Comics, the company’s namesake. Isn’t renumbering these series actually a retreat from the love of “comics as comics”?
Our Co-Publishers and editors thought long and hard about this. It was an extremely important decision that was not taken lightly. But executing this unprecedented event meant taking creative risks on every level and pushing forward with big, new ideas. A partial renumbering would not have had the impact we needed to showcase the amazing changes and direction we have planned for the new DC Comics universe of characters. Counting issue numbers is focusing on the past, not the future.

[I]* Can this event fix/undo an event I don’t like from the past?/ Can this event bring back a character from the past that I miss?/ Does this event change the status of (insert pretty much any character here)? What would you say to someone whose favorite superhero no longer exists?[/I]

Characters are always evolving in the DC universe and part of the evolution means that characters come and go. While not all current characters will be part of the new DC Comics line of books, we are confident the ambitious plan we are creating will introduce a new generation of protagonists and antagonists that will captivate readers.

We are kicking things off with our best and brightest characters and what makes them so compelling and great. Simply because you don’t see a personal favorite in the September launches doesn’t mean your favorites are gone. This is just the beginning.

[I]* What about returnability?[/I]

We are backing up our commitment to you and this launch, by putting our copies where are mouths are. We will be offering 100% returnability on 41 titles. Returnability on nearly 80 percent of the line allows retailers to order more boldly on these titles giving the books their best opportunity to reach new and existing consumers.

To qualify for returnability, your total post-FOC September orders (including Justice League #1) in retail dollars for DC periodicals must be 125% or more of your May post-FOC orders for DC periodicals. On retailer invoices dated 7/13/2011, retailers will receive their returnability target number. It will appear on the parent account invoice as: MAY118215 DC THE NEW 52 RETURNABILITY TARGET NUMBER (NET). We’re working with Diamond to establish a tracking system so that retailers can monitor their progress towards reaching their target number.

Retailers will be required to return stripped covers from the returnable issues along with an affidavit of destruction to Diamond Comic Distributors at a date to be named later. The return fee will be $.20 per cover. Also returnability will start one month after the date the issue goes on sale, but will be valid through mid-December 2011.

Graphic novels and DC Direct purchases are not included in the target.

The 41 titles eligible for returnability during the months of September, October and November are:


[I]* What are the incentives for the other 11 titles?[/I]


For variants, we chose our core iconic titles, the ones that you tell us your consumers want most. And of course, we sought out those titles with the most compelling visuals. This variant program will continue for September, October, and November at least. We will be offering variants on five different titles, effectively one each week. Some specifics so far:


· For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition ordered, you may order 1 Variant Edition with a cover by David Finch
· For every 200 copies of the Standard Edition ordered, you may order 1 Variant Edition with a pencil cover by David Finch


One title featuring a variant cover edition each week in September (plus a 1 in 200 pencil version). The quantity of variant editions you may order will be determined by your lowest ordered of title of The New 52 on FOC in the same week:

Cover by Jim Lee and Scott Williams

Cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Cover by Greg Capullo

Cover by Ivan Reis and Tim Townsend

Deep Discounting

For deeper discounts, we chose those break-out titles which can help you focus your staff and customers. Books that have real potential that is arguably hidden potential to-date, a real compelling creator, a real obvious jumping-on point for your readers, etc. We will be offering an additional 15% discount on six different titles. This deep discounting will continue for September, October, and November at least.

* Which of the 52 titles are not $2.99?[/I]

Four of The New 52 are $3.99 with additional pages of content. They are:





* Why didn’t you tell us about this earlier this year at the ComicsPro meeting in Dallas, at the Diamond Retailer Seminar in Chicago or anytime prior to when the news broke?

Our plans have been evolving all year, and most of our planning occurred after both of those meetings. Once our idea developed, we didn’t want to spoil the surprises we have planned. In order to make sure we can tell the best stories possible, we needed to keep initial details under wraps. We value the relationships we have with our retailers and we’ll be sure to continue working as partners over the course of the launch, and beyond. You’ll be getting news in advance moving forward, as you should.
* Isn’t there now a “dead stock” issue on all previous comics and books that are made stale by this move?[/I]

We feel consumers buy and look for quality. That means the backlist that was and is popular will continue to be so. And that the best new stories will get readers excited about reading and finding all the great stories and comics which preceded September. The months leading up to September are the set up for the incredible changes we have planned. We feel readers will want to see how the current stories conclude and new stories play out as we ready the pipeline for the best to come. Retailers who believe their customers will skip some of our titles prior to The New 52 have the option of reducing their orders pre-FOC.

[I]* Will DC Entertainment be able to get comics to us on-time for Wednesday sales on 9/07, the Wednesday after Labor Day?[/I]

We are working with Diamond to insure timely delivery of our comics that week. We hope to have details to you pre-FOC.
* Any way we can read copies of the comics earlier?[/I]

In today’s digital world it is extremely difficult to release advance copies of books because of piracy issues. We have seen advance copies get immediately scanned and released wide on the Internet – which in the end only decreases your ability to sell hardcopies. In the past we have sent advance black and white issues, but that was in the pre-digital era.

We are speaking with Diamond about previewing technology that gives retailers a secure first-look at comics. We will provide you more information as soon as we have it.

* What concrete plans are there to promote this to the general public?[/I]

With the launch of this epic event, DC Entertainment is implementing a proportionally ambitious marketing plan to share this news with current fans, lapsed fans and non-fans (what we consider “fans-to-be”).

You’ve seen part of this initiative at work with all the media coverage that has been generated since the announcement was made earlier this month. In addition, we’re going to be implementing an aggressive paid advertising campaign and word-of-mouth program to ensure we’re sharing the excitement we have over this news with the rest of the world.

Also our 75%-reimbursement co-op program will help retailers use new contemporary ways to market their stores and our books locally.

Related marketing content and promotional information will be packaged and highlighted in millions of Warner Home Video DVDs will be going out 4th quarter.

We have a lot of exciting plans in the works so you’ll definitely be hearing from us leading up to September.
* How is DC Entertainment going to market their September books for new readers?[/I]

DC Entertainment is going to position September as the best jumping on point to read monthly comics in a generation. With comics at the forefront of pop culture right now, we believe there are tens of thousands of consumers waiting for this moment.
* Which advertising channels will we use to promote the September books?[/I]

Since we are seeking a multi-tiered, multi-faceted audience, we will be using a variety of marketing channels to spread our message. We have already seen the enormous publicity response to The New 52 and how that has driven consumer awareness; we anticipate that will continue through launch. On the advertising side, we will be using a mixture of television advertising (both targeted network placement and co-op), Facebook advertising and targeted Search Engine Buys to seek out specific stripes of consumers. Hugely important as well are our on-line efforts, as we use the growing strength of social networking to build a new fan base for our books. Each of these platforms allows us to focus on consumers with specific pop culture and reading preferences.
* When will the logos for all of The New 52 be available for promotional use?[/I]

The logos will be posted to the DC Entertainment retailer page on on July 13th.

[I]* Will we be able to order extra copies of the promotional book for The New 52 that’s going to arrive at retail on July 20th?[/I]

Retailers will receive copies of DC COMICS – THE NEW 52! # 1 PREVIEW BOOK on July 20 in quantities equal to five times orders at FOC on FLASHPOINT #1, providing you ordered at least five (5) copies of FLASHPOINT. These copies will be provided to retailers at no charge by DC Entertainment. (Retailers will be responsible for the cost of freight.) Additional copies will be available for reorder in limited quantities at a price of $.25 US net. These copies will only be available for reorder after the initial free allocation arrives in-stores on 7/20.
* When will co-op materials for The New 52 be available?[/I]

The co-op materials will begin being posted to the DC Entertainment retailer page on on July 13th. The page will be updated as additional items are completed.

[I]* What type of co-op ads is DC Entertainment doing to support the launch of The New 52?[/I]

o Facebook
o Print
o Website / Banner
o Radio
o TV
o Movie Theatre
o Newsletter (print and digital)
o Large vinyl banners and standees (new and exclusive to Sept)

[I]* Will we be able to have a midnight sale for JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 and FLASHPOINT #5?[/I]

Yes, we’ll offer a sale that begins at 12:01am (your local time) on 8/31. We’ll be announcing further details on this soon. This will be open to all accounts currently receiving comics on Tuesday for Wednesday on-sale.

UK retailers please note: Due to the Monday, August 29 Summer Bank Holiday, the midnight sale option will not be available to UK retailers.

* What has the press said about The New 52 so far?[/I]

“Epic” – USA Today

“Audacious” – New York Times

“Audacious…Seismic” – LA Times’ Hero Complex

“Fascinating” – NPR’s Monkey See

“Unprecedented” – Gawker’s io9

“Tantalizing” – The Hollywood Reporter

“Game-changing” – Big Shiny Robot

“Bold” – Popmatters

“Can’t wait” – ScreenRant

“Sets a precedent” – Blastr

“Historic” – PSFK

“Radical…bold move” – Publishers Weekly

“The ballsiest move of the decade” – Comics Alliance

“Dramatic” – The Onion AV Club

“The comic book world is a-buzzin’” – Ain’t It Cool News

* Why are you going to same-day digital if digital is just “dental floss”?[/I]

To recall the analogy, same-day digital is dental floss compared to a sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper representing brick-and-mortar (i.e. over 95% of our business now and in the foreseeable future). Our goal is to expand both the size of the paper and the floss.

We believe the excitement we build through our marketing and promotional campaign benefits greatly from having immediate access to our content from every kind of reader. This exposure will benefit the sheet of paper more than the dental floss, so to speak.

For decades, the industry has bemoaned the fact we are not striving to bring in new readers. We feel day and date will bring the level of online chatter and excitement about storylines and books to new highs and having same-day digital titles will allow every kind of fan to participate in that excitement. In the end, more readers of comics whether in print or digital benefits the entire industry.

[I]* What time will same-day digital releases go on sale? Will they be available to consumers before my store opens?[/I]

We are working with ComiXology to change our “go live” time each Wednesday to 2:00pm ET/11:00am PT. We expect to be able to make this adjustment prior to the 8/31 in-store date for Justice League #1 with ComiXology and the DC App. Apple sets their own release times for the iTunes stores, as does Sony for their PlayStation Network. We will attempt to have their release times in harmony with the ComiXology release times, but that may not be possible.

[I]* When comics are delayed due to snow and ice/road conditions, will the release of the same-day digital titles also be delayed? If not, will all of my purchases that week be returnable since DC Entertainment was unable to maintain the same day digital schedule?[/I]

If the delay is system-wide, for example if no comics were shipped out on the scheduled day from our printer to Diamond, we would attempt to delay the digital release to match. If the delay is regional, we would not have a way to delay digital releases for only one region of the country.

[I]* When comics have a scheduled delay due to holiday shipping delays, and DC Entertainment and/or Diamond announce that Thursday will be the in-store day, will the release of the same-day digital titles also be delayed?[/I]

* Will the $4.99 JUSTICE LEAGUE polybagged combo have the same cover as the standard edition or will it have a variant cover?[/I]

The cover on the polybagged Justice League will feature the same art as the standard edition, however it will have a different color scheme and a color burst calling out the digital code inside.
* Is the $4.99 JUSTICE LEAGUE polybagged combo pack only for JUSTICE LEAGUE #1, or will this continue to be offered each month?[/I]

Each month.

[I]* Is DC Entertainment going to offer the polybagged digital combo option on any titles other than JUSTICE LEAGUE?[/I]

We are only rolling this out on JUSTICE LEAGUE for now.
* Are the print and digital the same price?[/I]

Yes, for the first 4 weeks, a $2.99 print comic will be a $2.99 digital comic. After 4 weeks, the digital price will drop to $1.99. Following that pattern, for the first 4 weeks, a $3.99 print comic will be a $3.99 digital comic. After 4 weeks, the digital price will drop to $2.99.

* When will additional details of DC Entertainment’s Digital Retailer Affiliate Program be available?[/I]

Additional details are expected to be rolled out on or around July 20th.

Many retailers accept pre-paid preorders two months in advance from our customers prior to Diamond’s initial order due date, and we need to be able to make those transactions now to meet the needs of those preorder customers, not some indeterminate time between now and when Justice League #1 goes live on 8/31.

[I]* What steps has DC Entertainment taken to help us bridge this cash-flow problem and consumer budgeting problem?[/I]

While we are not currently set up to offer digital pre-orders and/or digital subscriptions, ComiXology is working to be able to add this functionality.

[I]* Is ComiXology the only source for retailers to participate in DC Entertainment’s Digital Retailer Affiliate Program?
* Does ComiXology have a beta version available for retailers to view?[/I]

ComiXology plans to have a demo of the beta version ready for view by July 20th at San Diego. Prior to that date, you can look at and for mirrors of the content and layout they will have.
* How long will it take ComiXology to contact me after I apply at
ComiXology’s goal is to respond to all retailer information requests by the next business day. By July 20th we expect ComiXology to begin emailing additional details to retailers who have signed up for the service.

[I]* Is ComiXology adequately staffed to handle this potential influx of affiliates?[/I]

They’ve partnered with to help roll out and support the affiliate program.
* Will ComiXology be able to meet a deadline of 8/31 to have a dedicated DC Entertainment digital store running on my website?
Yes, that is their goal for accounts who sign up now.
* When customers purchase a DC Entertainment digital comic through my website, does the customer pay me, ComiXology or DC Entertainment?[/I]

All purchases are processed and received by ComiXology.

[I]* Who pays me the 30% of the cover price on a DC Entertainment digital purchase made through my website? DC Entertainment? ComiXology?[/I]

The payment will come from ComiXology, however the extra percentage for operating a dedicated DC Entertainment digital comics site comes from DC Entertainment’s margin.

[I]* When will I be paid my share of the digital sale? How often? How will I receive?[/I]

ComiXology is working towards monthly direct payments to retailers’ accounts, after retailers meet a benchmark amount of sales. Details of the payment method are being worked out by ComiXology.

[I]* If taxable in my area, am I collecting sales tax on the digital sale?[/I]

No, ComiXology will be taking care of all sales-related concerns.

[I]* Is DC Entertainment participating in the Diamond Comics digital initiative?[/I]

No, not at this time.

[I]* Is there a way for retailers without websites to sell DC Entertainment digital comics?[/I]

Retailers will need a website in order to develop a dedicated DC Entertainment digital comics si[/QUOTE]
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 21h35
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Dieu qui déchire sa race
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Yaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec DraculaYaneck mange des apéricubes avec Dracula
Je trouve les premières réponses totalement langue de bois. Je n'ai pas poursuivi la lecture.
Vieux 01/07/2011, 22h50
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-Généalogiste Sénile-
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michel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Building
Y a quand même un paquet de réponses précises, et même s'ils s'en défendent, c'est bien un reboot : on part bien sur une nouvelle continuité, qui se trouve avoir pas mal d'éléments communs avec l'ancienne, en particulier "les meilleurs moments", mais qui n'en est pas moins différente. Ca me semble assez casse-gueule comme concept, mais bon pourquoi pas ? ;)

Les récaps (rigolotes) de Game of Thrones Saison 5

Stannis à Davos : On n'a rien pu faire, ils étaient au moins genre vingt-deux et puis y en avait un torse nu.
Vieux 01/07/2011, 23h02
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
Localisation: Manhattan, au bout d'une toile
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scarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossier
Pas de reboot car ce n'est pas généralisé.
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 23h04
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scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
Localisation: Manhattan, au bout d'une toile
Messages: 59 174
scarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossier
Source [I]Comic Book Resources[/I]

Une interview de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel sur [B]Static Shock[/B] : [url=]ici[/url].
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Vieux 01/07/2011, 23h25
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michel michel est déconnecté
-Généalogiste Sénile-
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michel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Building
[QUOTE=scarletneedle;1175044]Pas de reboot car ce n'est pas généralisé.[/QUOTE]

Je voudrais bien que tu m'expliques comment ça peut ne pas être généralisé. Ils prennent comme exemple Batgirl pour qui the Killing Joke a toujours eu lieu. Mais imaginons qu'un personnage mineur de l'histoire ait disparu dans les comics publiés à partir de septembre, ou qu'il soit maintenant mort avant the Killing Joke. Tu ne peux plus lire the Killing Joke exactement comme avant. On est bien dans une nouvelle continuité, qui reprend la majeure partie du Killing Joke original, mais où les parties concernant le perso disparu ont été modifiées.

Alors on est d'accord, ils ne repartent pas de zéro, ils gardent les fondamentaux, mais c'est bien la continuité DC qui a globalement changé, avec certains éléments qui se trouvent être les mêmes qu'avant, et des histoires différentes qui se greffent autour de ces points communs.

Les récaps (rigolotes) de Game of Thrones Saison 5

Stannis à Davos : On n'a rien pu faire, ils étaient au moins genre vingt-deux et puis y en avait un torse nu.
Vieux 01/07/2011, 23h45
Avatar de Fred le mallrat
Fred le mallrat Fred le mallrat est déconnecté
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Fred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec DiabloFred le mallrat mange des gauffres avec Diablo
ben exactement comme Crisis... apres crisis, pas mal d evenements avaient toujours eu lieu mais dans un autre contexte...
Le Green Lantern/Green Arrow de Adams et O'neil ont bien eu lieu par exemple.
Et certaines histoires devaient se lire dans un contexte sans terre parallele (ex les rencontre JLA/JSA)
Vieux 01/07/2011, 23h53
Avatar de chocoman
chocoman chocoman est déconnecté
Super Héros super puissant
Date d'inscription: août 2010
Localisation: Toulouse
Messages: 288
chocoman change la caisse du Fauve
This is not a reboot, it's a launch !

Michel, pour tout les reboots tu as forcément des liens avec l'ancienne continuité. Je ne suis pas une ghoule, mais Sup a du être rebooté, et bien ça reste un kryptonien. Il reste les fondamentaux de toute manière.

Mais là, comme le dit Scarlet, c'est pas généralisé. Je pense que certains personnages ne vont pas être rebooté. Je pense à tout l'univers Green lantern, et peut-etre Batman (car la série Batwoman a été annoncé il y a longtemps)

Pensez-vous que l'event Flashpoint aura un rôle sur ce "launch" ?
J'ai pas trop compris lorsqu'ils parlent de "returnability", c'est quoi exactement ?
Vieux 02/07/2011, 01h09
Avatar de Lazy
Lazy Lazy est déconnecté
The Loosest Man Alive
Date d'inscription: juin 2009
Messages: 57
Lazy change la caisse du Fauve
Pas bien pigé l'histoire de vente de comics digitaux en magasin à la fin.
C'est quoi l'intérêt pour le lecteur d'aller acheter ses web comics dans son comics shop quand il peut les avoir chez lui pour le même prix?
Vieux 02/07/2011, 01h56
Avatar de vortiris
vortiris vortiris est déconnecté
The Nuclear Geek
Date d'inscription: mai 2004
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vortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourrivortiris est une petite crotte de super héros pourri
returnability, si j'ai bien compris c' est pour les vendeurs qui pourront retourner certains invendus en trop, histoire de les inciter à commander sans crainte.

Sinon michel a raison, c'est bien un reboot à partir du moment où une partie de la continuité est changée comme par enchantement... Ils partent du principe que les petits changements ne seront pas trop visibles ou pas dérangeants, ce qui en soi n'est pas evident. On verra.

2011, dc nation

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