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Vieux 01/11/2010, 19h11
KidGloves KidGloves est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: février 2010
Messages: 23
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Looking for artist for Vic Boone--series will be Published in US

I lost my artist today and need to find a replacement. The book, Vic Boone, will be published. I've signed the contract.
I can't pay upfront.(lost 99% of you there). I will split all profits 50/50. As I said, the book will be published by a company (not just me through ka-blam). And I will pimp it to no end. Look I know no pay upfront is lame. I wish it wasn't the case. I did comic art for years and know it's a time consuming thing.
Here's an 8 pager by the original artist--one before last. It gives a good idea of the feel of the work. I also have the first issue written.
I don't need to some to mimic the style, but just be sure you fit this style of comic book.
here's some more art. This by the guy who I just lost!/photo.php?fbid=479612106907&set=t.502733129!/photo.php?fbid=169177396432002&set=a.1674759399354 81.47988.167199353296473
and the company publishing it.
I will letter and color.
please email, if interested.

Again, I know this isn't best scenario. I will be showing finished issues to Dark Horse, two of my friends are editors there, in hopes of getting more work for me and artist.
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