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Vieux 23/03/2009, 20h48
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beldarien beldarien est déconnecté
ha londres, c'est beau!!!
Date d'inscription: juillet 2006
Localisation: UK
Messages: 944
beldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobobeldarien a plus de poils sous les bras que Lobo
et je continue dans mes recherches
toutes les questions ont ete pose a Alan de Eaglemoss
[B]Q.[/B] I live in France, will it possible for me to buy it on the official website ?

[COLOR=teal][B]A.[/B] I'm afraid not. It's all do do with licenses. We are looking into ways of selling it in France it's not going to happen straight away. Might be worth trying Forbidden Planet.[/COLOR]

[B]Q.[/B] Will Angel the series be getting an accompanying line?

[COLOR=Teal][B]A.[/B] We're actually doing them as one collection, so Angel won't be separate. It's early days so it really depends how much money they make. I'm hopeful we'll be able to do more but that's just my inner-Whedon fan talking. The first batch I'm putting together is more Buffy-based. I also have to be careful of spoilers for people reading the DVD Collection as many of them have probably never seen the show so putting Fred (or better still Illyria) would give quite a few things away.[/COLOR]

[B]Q.[/B] Any chance this line will complete the line-up of twelve main actors?

[COLOR=Teal][B]A.[/B] At the moment we're looking at 10 but if sales do well I'm sure they'll be more. If the first issue does really well, the first thing the management will be saying is let's get more out.[/COLOR]

[B]Q.[/B] Is there any chance the frequency of releases will be increased based on solid sales for the first characters? I would jump into this line if I knew it would have the depth of the Marvel line.

[COLOR=Teal][B]A.[/B] Possibly after the third or fourth special, I think the onsale dates for this year are pretty much set now.[/COLOR]

[B]Q.[/B] Are you interested in actually releasing the entire main cast? Or is that probably not something that's going to happen?

[COLOR=Teal][B]A.[/B] I'm interested in having as many-Bufy related figurines as possible. As well as the main cast I'd like to see all the Big Bads, Harmony, Connor, the spooky guys from Hush but at the moment it really all depends on sales of the first special.[/COLOR]

[B]Q.[/B] Assuming success, when you choose characters, will you also release the monsters, or do humans/vamps have all the preference? I would LOVE a Buffy line-up that could actually pull off some monsters (though I'd avoid The Judge for awhile - I think he's a kiss of death character!).

[COLOR=Teal][B]A.[/B] I tell you what, if it does do well they'll be wanting to do a larger Mega-Special along the lines of Galactus for the Marvel Collection. I'll have to give this some thought to see which monsters work best. Another possibility is to do double-packed specials. It's something we've just explored with the Marvel Collection and really depends on how financially viable it proves to be.[/COLOR]

[B]Q.[/B] Any US distribution yet?

[COLOR=Teal][B]A.[/B] Not yet but it's something we're working on.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
larfleeze: "i want a forest of christmas threes! whatever those are!

MO-BI-LI-ZEZ VOUS!!! Buzzthon 2010-2011
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