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Vieux 16/12/2010, 11h07
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2008
Messages: 26
Areditman change la caisse du Fauve
Creepy (1°) 01
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 015-cover
1-Réveil brutal-Archie Goodwin (Script), Alex Toth (Pencils), Alex Toth (Inks)-Creepy 007-Rude Awakening!
2-Fin du monde-Archie Goodwin (Script), Dan Adkins
3-L'éventreur-Bill Parente (Script), Barry Rockwell (Pencils), Barry Rockwell (Inks)-Creepy 023-Jack Knifed
4-Chambre d'ami-Bill Parente (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 024-Room for a Guest
5-Rubis-Archie Goodwin (Script), Steve Ditko (Pencils), Steve Ditko (Inks)-Eerie 006-Deep Ruby!
6-Gargouille-Archie Goodwin, Roy Krenkel (Script), Angelo Torres (signed) (Pencils), Angelo Torres (signed) (Inks)-Creepy 006-Gargoyle

Creepy (1°) 02
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 005-cover
1-L'invité de Dracula-E. Nelson Bridwell (Script), Frank Bolle (Pencils), Frank Bolle (Inks)-Eerie 016-Dracula's Guest
2-Cinema muet!-John Benson; Bob Stewart (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks)-Creepy 013-Scream Test!
3-Surmenage!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Wallace Wood ; Dan Adkins (Pencils), Wallace Wood ; Dan Adkins (Inks)-Creepy 009-Overworked!
4-Les statues de la peur-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gene Colan (Pencils), Gene Colan (Inks)-Creepy 013-Fear In Stone

Creepy (1°) 0
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (painting) (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (painting) (Inks)-Creepy 009-cover
1-Thane-L'ange de l'apocalypse-Archie Goodwin (Script), Jeff Jones (Pencils), Jeff Jones (Inks)-Creepy 016-Angel of Doom
2-Monstre de papier-Clark Dimond; Terry Bisson (Script), Steve Ditko (Pencils), Steve Ditko (Inks)-Creepy 016-The Sands That Change
3-Un saut dans l'au-delà-Archie Goodwin (Script), Dan Adkins ( Pencils), Bill Pearson? (Inks)-Creepy 014-The Beckoning Beyond!
4-Plus on est de fous-Carl Wessler (Script), Rocco Mastroserio (signed as Rocke) (Pencils), Rocco Mastroserio (signed as Rocke) (Inks)-Creepy 013- Madness In The Method!

Creepy (1°) 04
0-cover-Tom Sutton (Pencils), Tom Sutton (Inks)-Creepy 023-cover
1-La malédiction des hommes-chats-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 002-Spawn of the Cat People
2-L'île du bout du monde!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Eerie 004-Island at World's End!
3-La barrique d'Amontillado-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 006-The Cask of Amontillado
4-Vue sur l'épouvante-Archie Goodwin (Script), Steve Ditko-Steve Ditko

Creepy (1°) 05
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 017-cover
1-Monster rally!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks)-Creepy 004-Monster Rally!
2-Zombies!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Rocco Mastroserio (Pencils), Rocco Mastroserio (Inks)-Creepy 017-Zombies
3-Le bourreau!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Donald Norman
4-Le musée de cire!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Tom Sutton (Pencils), Tom Sutton (Inks)-Creepy 017-Image in Wax
5-Les jeux du cirque & de la mort!-Anne T. Murphy (Script), Al Williamson (Pencils), Al Williamson (Inks)-Creepy 006-Thumbs Down!

Creepy (1°) 06
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 016-cover
1-Revanche de la bête!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Creepy 005-Revenge Of The Beast!
2-Gonteekwa-Larry Ivie (Script), Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 001-Werewolf!
3-Chasse aux vampires-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks) -Creepy 001-Pursuit of the Vampire!
4-Face à face avec la mort-Al Hewetson (Script), Tony Tallarico [as Tony Williamsune] (Pencils), Tony Tallarico [as Tony Williamsune] (Inks)-Creepy 031- In The Face Of Death
5-Moi un robot-Otto Binder, Joe Orlando

Creepy (1°) 07
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 004-cover
1-Lorsque la lune est pleine!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 004-Curse of the Full Moon!
2-Une édition rare!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Steve Ditko-Steve Ditko
3-Retour de flamme!-6-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks) -Creepy 010-Backfire!
4-Le procès d'Adam Link-Otto Ninder, Joe Orlando

Creepy (1°) 08
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 011-cover
1-La maison du juge-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 005-The Judge's House!
2-L'homme singe-Archie Goodwin (Script), Steve Ditko (Pencils), Steve Ditko (Inks)-Creepy 011-Beast Man!
3-La chair et l'esprit-Archie Goodwin (Script), Steve Ditko-Steve Ditko
4-Adm Links dans le business!-Otto Binder, Joe Orlando

Creepy (1°) 09
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 006-cover
1-Vague de chaleur!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 007-Hot Spell!
2-Le champion!-Al Hewetson (Script), Dick Piscopo (Pencils), Dick Piscopo (Inks)-Eerie 028
3-Ce qui se passa sur le pont de Owl Creek-Archie Goodwin (Script), Bob Jenney (Pencils), Bob Jenney (Inks)-Eerie 009-An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge!
4-La toile de l'araignée-Bill Warren (Script), Tom Sutton (Pencils), Tom Sutton (Inks)-Eerie 026-Spiders Are Revolting!
5-Eerie's Monster Gallery-Les soucoupiens!-Tom Sutton (Script), Tom Sutton (Pencils), Tom Sutton (Inks)-Eerie 028-The Saucerians!

Creepy (1°) 10
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)-Creepy 038-cover
1-Le cerveau!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks) -Creepy 010-Brain Trust!
2-La chose maudite!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Creepy 004-The Damned Thing
3-Les orchidées sanglantes!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Al McWilliams (Pencils), Al McWilliams (Inks) -Creepy 004-Blood and Orchids!
4-L'orbite du vampire!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow
5-Rira bien qui rira le dernier!-Al Hewetson (Script), Mike Royer (Pencils), Mike Royer (Inks)-Eerie 034-He Who Laughs Last...Is Grotesque!

Creepy (1°) 11
0-cover-Enrich Torres (Pencils), Enrich Torres (Inks)-Creepy 045-cover
1-Duel des monstres!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks) -Creepy 007-The Duel Of The Monsters!
2-Un pied dans la tombe!-9-Tom Sutton
3-En eaux profondes!-7-Otto Binder [as Eando Binder] (Script), John Severin (signed as Sev) (Pencils), John Severin (signed as Sev) (Inks)-Creepy 007-Drink Deep!
4-Le déterreur de cadavres!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 007-The Body-Snatcher!

Creepy (1°) 12
0-cover-Jack Davis (Pencils), Jack Davis (Inks)-Creepy 001-cover
1-Le cercueil de Dracula-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 008-The Coffin Of Dracula!
2-Voodoo!-Russ Jones; Bill Pearson (Script), Joe Orlando (Pencils), Joe Orlando (Inks)-Creepy 001-Voodoo!
3-Du sang dans le bayou!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks) -Creepy 003-Swamped!
4-Le retour-Russ Jones (as Arthur Porges) (Script), Joe Orlando (Pencils), Joe Orlando (Inks)-Creepy 003-Return Trip!

Creepy (1°) 13
0-cover-Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Creepy 008-cover
1-Le cercueil de Dracula-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 008-The Coffin Of Dracula!
2-A en perdre la tête-Bill Dubay (Script), Bill Dubay
3-Pour une balle d'argent-R.Michael Rosen, Larry Todd
4-La terreur hors du temps-Archie Goodwin (Script), Neal Adams (Pencils), Neal Adams (Inks)--Creepy 015-The Terror Beyond Time

Creepy (1°) 14
0-cover-Tom Sutton (Pencils), Tom Sutton (Inks)--Creepy 022-cover
1-La chose dans le puits-Larry Ivie (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Creepy 006-The Thing In The Pit!
2-Magma!--Wally Wood
3-Pas de jeu!-Bill Parente (Script), Tom Sutton (Pencils), Tom Sutton (Inks)-Creepy 022-"No Fair!"
4-La croix de sang-Douglas Moench (Script), Esteban Maroto (Pencils), Esteban Maroto (Inks)-Creepy 046-Cross Of Blood

Creepy (1°) 15
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)-Creepy 043-cover
1-Le sang du loup garou-Archie Goodwin (Script), Steve Ditko (Pencils), Steve Ditko (Inks)-Creepy 012-Blood Of The Werewolf!
2-Je te déteste-Bill Warren (Script), Mike Royer (Pencils), Mike Royer (Inks)-Creepy 037-I Hate You! I Hate You!
3-Effort maximum-Ron Parker (Script), Rocco Mastroserio (Pencils), Rocco Mastroserio(Inks)-Creepy 012-Maximum Effort!
4-Le blues de Sado le chat-T. Casey Brennan, Ernie Colon

Creepy (1°) 16
0-cover-Dan Adkins (Pencils), Dan Adkins (Inks)-Creepy 012-cover
1-Amusements et jeux-Archie Goodwin (Script), Joe Orlando (Pencils), Joe Orlando (Inks)-Creepy 002-Fun and Games!
2-Bienvenue étranger-Archie Goodwin (Script), Al Williamson (Pencils), Al Williamson (Inks)-Creepy 002-Welcome Stranger
3-La garde-robe des monstres-Otto Binder, Gray Morrow
4-Le chemin du retour-T. Casey Brennan (Script), Mike Royer (Pencils), Mike Royer (Inks)-Creepy 038-The Way Home
5-Pourfendeur de dieu-Bill Stillwell (Script), Bill Stillwell (Pencils), Bill Stillwell (Inks)-Creepy 035-Godslayer

Creepy (1°) 17
0-cover-Luis Dominguez (Pencils), Luis Dominguez (Inks)-Eerie 044-cover
1-Succès hurlant!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks) -Creepy 003-Howling Success!
2-Art of horreur-Archie Goodwin (Script), Jerry Grandenetti (signed JG) (Pencils), Jerry Grandenetti (signed JG) (Inks)-Creepy 014-Art Of Horror
3-Hanté!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Creepy 003-Haunted!
4-Enterré vivant-Tom Sutton
5-Reptiles!-Clark Dimond; John Benson (Script), Hector Castellon (Pencils), Hector Castellon (Inks)-Creepy 014-Snakes Alive!

Creepy (1°) 18
0-cover-Enrich Torres (Pencils), Enrich Torres (Inks)-Eerie 037-cover
1-Le bras de la vengeance!-Jim Stenstrum (Script), Esteban Maroto (Pencils), Esteban Maroto (Inks)-Creepy 050-Forgive Us Our Debts
2-La maison des rêves!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Angelo Torres (Pencils), Angelo Torres (Inks) -Creepy 012-Dark House Of Dreams
3-Cœur rapporté!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks) -Creepy 003-Tell Tale Heart!

Creepy (1°) 19
0-cover-Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (Inks)-Creepy 007-cover
1-Ne perdez pas la tête!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils)
2-L'assaut de la tour-T. Casey Brennan (Script), Felix Mas (Pencils), Felix Mas (Inks)-Creepy 050-The Climbers Of The Tower
3-Château maudit!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils)
4-Incidents dans la galaxie!-Archie Goodwin (Script), Gray Morrow (Pencils), Gray Morrow (Inks)-Creepy 003-Incident in the Beyond!

Creepy (1°) 20
0-cover- Frank Frazetta (Pencils), Frank Frazetta (painting) (Inks)-Eerie 006-cover
1-Le roi des crapauds!-E. A. Fedory (Script), Adolfo Abellan (Pencils), Adolfo Abellan (Inks)-Creepy 050-Frog God
2-La punition!-Fred Ott (Script), Jose Bea (Pencils), Jose Bea (Inks)-Creepy 050-Side-Show
3-L'armée des morts-vivants-R Michael Rosen, Syd Shores
4-Le portefeuille-Steve Skeates (Script), Joe Staton (Pencils), Joe Staton (Inks)-Creepy 042-The Amazing Money-Making Wallet

Creepy (1°) 21
0-cover-Vic Prezio (Pencils), Vic Prezio (Inks)-Creepy 028-cover
1-Des clients très coriaces!-R Michael Rosen, Tom Sutton
2-Prelude à Armageddon!-Nicola Cuti; Wally Wood (Script), Wally Wood (Pencils), Wally Wood (Inks)-Creepy 041-Prelude to Armageddon
3-Perception extra sensorielle!-Steve Skeates (Script), Gary Kaufman (Pencils), Gary Kaufman (Inks)-Creepy 041-Extra Censory Perception
4-Une haine tangible!-Don McGregor (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben(Inks)-Creepy 041-A Tangible Hatred

Creepy (1°) 22
0-cover-Enrich (Pencils), Enrich (Inks)-Vampirella 25-cover
1-L'homme au cerveau d'or!-George Henderson (Script), Reed Crandall (Pencils), Reed Crandall (Inks)-Creepy 052- The Man with the Brain of Gold
2-Les héritiers de la terre!-Hector Castellon (Script), Hector Castellon (Pencils), Hector Castellon (Inks)-Creepy 020-Inheritors Of Earth
3-Carmilla! 1/2-Robert Jenney
4-Le retour du démon!-Jan Strnad (Script), Frank Brunner (Pencils), Frank Brunner (Inks)-Creepy 045-What Rough Beast

Creepy (1°) 23
0-cover-Manuel Sanjulian (Pencils), Manuel Sanjulian (Inks)-Creepy 049-cover
1-Gadget-guillotine-Doug Moench (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 054-The Slipped Mickey Click Flip
2-La maison de mon père-Doug Moench (Script), Auraleon (Pencils), Auraleon (Inks)-Creepy 056-In My Father's House
3-Carmilla! 2/2-Robert Jenney

Creepy (1°) 24
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)--Creepy 063-cover
1-Taudis-Jack Butterworth (Script), Vicente Alcazar (Pencils), Vicente Alcazar (Inks)-Creepy 062-Firetrap
2-Salle obscure-Don MacGregor (Script), Adolfo Abellan (Pencils), Adolfo Abellan (Inks)-Creepy 059-A Dark And Violent Place
3-Une moto couleur de sang-Jose Bea
4-Miranda-Fred Ottenheimer [as Fred Ott] (Script), Felix Mas (Pencils), Felix Mas (Inks)-Vampirella 34- Miranda

Creepy (1°) 25
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)-Creepy 069-cover
1-Le puit et le pendule-Louis Trobert, José Ortiz
2-Ombre-Rich Margopoulos (adaptor); Edgar Allan Poe (original author) (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 070-Shadow
3-La vérité sur le cas de M. Valdemar-Louis Trobert, Isidro Morrez
4-Berenice-Isidro Morrez
5-Le corbeau-Richard Corben (adaptor); Edgar Allan Poe (original author) (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 067- Edgar Allan Poe's the Raven
6-Le portrait oval-Edgar Allan Poe; Richard Margopoulos (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 069-The Oval Portrait!

Creepy (1°) 26
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)-Creepy 068-cover
1-Cauchemar-Bernie Wrightson (Pencils), Bernie Wrightson (Inks)
2-Un sale moment à passer-Gerry Boudreau (Script), Vicente Alcazar (Pencils), Vicente Alcazar (Inks)-Creepy 068-Christmas Eve Can Kill You
3-Benissez-moi mon père-Bill Dubay (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 059-Bless Us Father…
4-Reflets dans un clou d'or-Gerry Boudreau (Script), Martin Salvador (Pencils), Martin Salvador (Inks)-Creepy 068-Reflections in a Golden Spike
5-Le passant de Noël-Budd Lewis (Script), Isidro Mones (Pencils), Isidro Mones (Inks)-Creepy 068-The Christmas Visit

Creepy (1°) 27
0-cover-Larry Todd ; Vaughn Bode (Pencil)s, Larry Todd ; Vaughn Bode (Inks) -Creepy 031-cover
1-Le dépossédé-Jr Cochran, Tom Sutton
2-Vampyrus-Jeff Jones-Swank
3-Contes et légendes de Creepy-Tom Sutton
4-Le carnaval des monstres-Doug Moench (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 058-Change...Into Something Comfortable
5-24 heures en enfer-Jose Ortiz

Creepy (1°) 28
0-cover-Larry Todd; Vaughn Bode (Pencil)s, Larry Todd ; Vaughn Bode (Inks) -Creepy 064-cover
1-Bienvenu-Berni Wrightson
2-A l'image de dieu-Jose Ortiz
3-Le cratère-Tom Sutton
4-Papa et Pie-Bill Dubay (Script), Alex Toth
5-Juda-Rich Margopoulos (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 062-Judas
6-L'attaque au Hilton-Jim Stenstrum (Script), Richard Corben (Pencils), Richard Corben (Inks)-Creepy 073-Unprovoked Attack on a Hilton Hotel
7-Trouve la bête-Budd Lewis (Script), John Severin (Pencils), John Severin(Inks)-Creepy 073-A Beast Within

Creepy (1°) 29
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)-Creepy 080-cover
1-Rupture de contrat-Gerry Boudreau; Carl Wessler (Script), Claude Moliterni (Pencils), Claude Moliterni (Inks)-Creepy 078-Lord of Lazarus Castle
2-Comique mécanique-Alex Toth (Script), Alex Toth
3-Belle de glace-Richard Corben
4-Membre permanent-Bill Parente (Script), Tom Sutton-Eerie 022-Permanent Members!

Creepy (1°) 30
0-cover-Ken Kelly (Pencils), Ken Kelly (Inks)-Creepy 081-cover
1-Jack le dingue et sa nana-Gary Kaufman (Script), Gary Kaufman (Pencils), Gary Kaufman (Inks)-Creepy 039-Mad Jack's Girl
2-Epreuve positive-Alex Toth (Script), Alex Toth (Pencils), Alex Toth (Inks)-Creepy 080-Proof Positive
3-Dur réveil-Archie Goodwin (Script), Jerry Grandenetti (signed JG) (Pencils), Jerry Grandenetti (signed JG) (Inks)-Creepy 013-Early Warning
4-Benjamin Jones et les maniaques-Budd Lewis, Luis Bermejo
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