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Vieux 04/09/2006, 16h45
Avatar de Paulie Walnuts
Paulie Walnuts Paulie Walnuts est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: juin 2004
Localisation: danny the street
Messages: 317
Paulie Walnuts change la caisse du Fauve
je ne suis pas fan de ce que fait Brian Vaughan, mais j'aime sa logique. voilà ce qu'il dit dans son forum pour les nouveautés de la semaine puis en réponse à divers gens qui disent ne pas vouloir le lire pour des questions de prix

[quote=BKV]LOST GIRLS: MY PICK OF THE YEAR! Not for the prudish, uptight or dim of wit, but this high-art/pornographic masterpiece is one of my favorite Alan Moore projects ever, which is obviously saying a lot. [b]How can you love comics and not be thrilled to the point of not sleeping by the prospect of hundreds of new pages from the medium's greatest creator? [/b]

SOLO #12: Say goodbye to one of DC Comics' best series ever with an entire issue from the incomparably bizarre Brendan McCarthy. [b]If you're one of the many readers who doesn't like a good anthology, I probably hate you. [/b]

Lost Girls is hundreds and hundreds of pages of new material, representing SIXTEEN YEARS of work from creators working at the height of their artistic abilities. Comparing it to two hours with an over-the-hill rock band is profoundly stupid.

Everyone, feel free to continue justifying why you're not picking this up, but please know that I will go out of my way to personally insult you without apology.

[b]Seriously, if you only have $75 to spend on comics this year, please skip the next eight issues of Y, Ex Machina and Runaways, and buy Lost Girls instead.[/b]
