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Fin Fang Foom 14/11/2017 19h55


Envoyé par scarletneedle (Message 1731574)

On dirait vraiment une bande d'énervés. On dirait qu'ils jouent à celui qui lève la main le premier. :D

scarletneedle 14/11/2017 20h22

Apparemment il y aura encore 1 ou 2 membres intégrés lors du 1er arc.

mugiwaraya 14/11/2017 22h55


Envoyé par scarletneedle (Message 1731675)
Apparemment il y aura encore 1 ou 2 membres intégrés lors du 1er arc.

C'est pas une bonne idée.
Sept, c'est déjà beaucoup, surtout quand on refait les équipes tous les ans.
J'espère que Sniktbub n'est pas le 8e, ou éventuel 9e membre.

Nate 14/11/2017 23h11


Envoyé par Ben Wawe (Message 1731597)
Red pour rappeler les cheveux roux de Jean, peut-être.
De toute façon, Gold & Blue n'ont jamais eu de sens non plus.

Ben Gold & Blue c'est pour rappeler la couleur des uniformes historiques, et Red oui un hommage à Jean vu que c'est son surnom (Jean & Scott étant appelés Red & Slim)

Je trouve vraiment cons le remarques ("puis green" etc...) vu que ça a du sens.

mugiwaraya 14/11/2017 23h45

Je serais preneur pour un X-Men Green avec Anole comme leader.

Slobo 14/11/2017 23h47


Envoyé par mugiwaraya (Message 1731695)
Je serais preneur pour un X-Men Green avec Anole comme leader.




Samo 15/11/2017 02h43


Envoyé par scarletneedle (Message 1731538)
Voilà un 3ème teaser par Mahmud Asrar pour X-Men Red révélant Nightcrawler et Gabby, le clone de Laura :

Oh mon dieu:burp:

Dhargo 15/11/2017 06h49


Envoyé par Nate (Message 1731691)
Je trouve vraiment cons le remarques ("puis green" etc...) vu que ça a du sens.

Libre à toi de trouver du sens à toutes ces équipes et X-Men Slim ça aurait de la gueule...^^'''
Il n'y a plus qu'à espérer qu'ils ne fassent pas une série avec Charles Xavier... :)

bukowski 15/11/2017 12h39


Envoyé par Nate (Message 1731691)
Ben Gold & Blue c'est pour rappeler la couleur des uniformes historiques, et Red oui un hommage à Jean vu que c'est son surnom (Jean & Scott étant appelés Red & Slim)

Je trouve vraiment cons le remarques ("puis green" etc...) vu que ça a du sens.

Tu es vert de rage ?
J'en suis rouge de honte ! :D

Le prend pas mal, ce sont juste quelques blagounettes par rapport aux Green Lantern de Geoff Johns. Je les trouve vraiment fendardes pour ma part. :huhu:

Thorn 15/11/2017 13h30


Envoyé par Nate (Message 1731691)
(Jean & Scott étant appelés Red & Slim)

Ils étaient appelés, mais dans le futur, non ?

EsseJi 15/11/2017 13h39

Scott est appelé Slim dès X-Men #1 de 1963.

Nate 15/11/2017 15h59

Dans le futur ils se sont servis de leurs surnoms pour leurs nouvelles identités (Redd & Slym Dayspring)

Slobo 15/11/2017 19h11

Crise de rire sur le groupe Age of X de Facebook.


I would like to see this conversation happen, or something very similar...
Jean: "So, what else did I miss?"
Storm: "I got married..."
Jean: "Oh!!"
Storm: "And divorced about a year later."
Jean: "Aw..."
Kitty: "Doug is alive!"
Jean: "Oh!"
Kitty: "And Illyana, Warlock, and Nate Grey."
Jean: "Oh! How about Rusty?"
*all silent*
Jean: "Oh, okay."
Jubilee: "I'm a vampire."
Jean: "What?"
Kitty: "About 99% of the mutant on the planet lost their powers."
Jean: "Wait, Jubilee is a vampire..."
Jubilee: "Me, too!!"
Jean: "A vampire...?"
Jubilee: "No, I lost my powers, too."
Jean: "Aw, Jubilee..."
Nightcrawler: "So did Dani, and Rictor, and Polaris, and Magneto, and the Professor, and Quicksilver, and a few others within our family."
Jubilee: "It's okay, though, I got a kid."
Jean: "... I don't even--"
Jubilee: "He's adopted"
Storm: "Charles, Lorna, Magneto, Pietro, and Rictor all got their powers back. Danielle is a Valkyrie again."
Warren: "Apocalypse is dead."
Jean: "Well, at least there some goo--"
Warren: "Except a part of him lives inside me, I think..."
Jean: "Oh, Warr..."
Warren: "And I kind of turned into him once, too..."
Jean: "*sigh*"
Kitty: "There's also a mini clone of him at the school. He's a student."
Jean: "What?"
Kitty: "It's okay, he's cool. We have a broodling as a student, too."
Jean: "O-okay... How are all the students? There were hundreds of them when I --"
Storm: "Sadly, most of them are now dead."
Jean: "What?!?"
Kitty: "It was Stryker... hate that guy..."
Colossus: "Purifiers blew them up in their busses. After they lost their powers."
Iceman: "Onslaught came back!"
Jean: "Oh, no!!"
Nightcrawler: "But it was The Red Skull and the Professor's brain."
Jean: "That makes no sense..."
Iceman: "And yet it happened..."
Jean: "How about some good news? Any new team members?"
Jubilee: "Well, Namor was on the team..."
Jean: "okay..."
Jubilee: "..and Sabretooth..."
Jean: "Wait, what?"
Jubilee: "Deadpool..."
Jean: "The killer?"
Nightcrawler: "That was strictly probationary. It didn't last."
Jubilee: "...Lady Mastermind one time..."
Jean: "oh, no..."
Jubilee: "Mystique.."
Jean: (eye roll)
Jubilee: "A couple of times..."
Psylocke: "She had sex with Robert."
Iceman: "Hey!!"
Jean: "Bobby!!"
Iceman: "One time!"
Kitty: "Twice..."
Jubilee: "And Magneto was on the team."
Jean: "What??? But, he killed me!!!"
Iceman: "Yeah, Jeannie, except that it wasn't him. It was someone else pretending to be him."
Jean: "Okay?"
Iceman: "Yeah, we're all just as confused."
Psylocke: "It doesn't matter now, Jean. I killed him."
Jean: "...Okay?"
Psylocke: "I believe him to still be dead."
Jean: "Okay.... Anything else unexpected happen while I was gone?"
Kitty: "I lead the X-Men now."
Storm: "Kitty got engaged..."
Iceman: "Bishop tried to kill a baby."
Jubilee: "Magneto isn't Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's father..."
Warren: "Scott and Alex had a younger brother that no one knew about that tried to kill us all, but he did end up killing Corsair and Lilandra..."
Kitty: "Professor Xavier is still a jerk!!"
Jubilee: "The Danger Room was alive."
Nightcrawler: "Sam, Roberto, Rogue and Alex were all Avengers..."
Iceman: "I'm gay".
Kitty: "Logan has, like, four kids..."
Jubilee: "Gambit's not sleazy anymore..."
Storm: "We went to war with the Inhumans..."
Iceman: "Yeah, cuz they were content with letting us die..."
Psylocke: "I was dead.."
Colossus: "Myself as well."
Nightcrawler: "As did I!!"
Warren: "Banshee died as well, but my children brought him back to life and made him my Horseman of Death. I think I sort of did, too. Die, I mean."
Kitty: "Rachel came back. We sorta thought she was dead or something..."
Jubilee: "Am I dead?"
Jean: "I don't know how much more of this I can take...."
Iceman: "Movie tickets are like, seventeen dollars now."
Jean: "Okay. That's it. I think I need a vacation..."

Iceman: “beast brought teenage versions of us to the present”
Warren: “he also made several dick moves against mutantkind and sided with the inhumans in the war”
Kitty: “Scott is dead”
Storm: “logan is dead but an older alternate reality version of him is on the team now”
Nightcrawler: “the mutant population did come back to the millions again”
Colossus: “..... after my sister, Myself, Scott, Emma, and Namor gained the Phoenix force and went berserk...”
Psylocke: “but that was the Avengers’ fault”
Kitty: “the school is in Central Park now”
Psylocke: “I lead a team with bishop and Mystique on it to fight the shadow king and rescue Xavier’s psyche”
Jean: “.... is there anything else y’all wanna tell me before I drink every bottle of wine available..?”

EsseJi 16/11/2017 00h06


Marrant, car on a eu presque ce genre de scène dans un titre d'équipe qui vient de débuter.

Hare Mageddon 16/11/2017 01h25


Rhoo, X-cellent !! :flex:

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