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Auteurroriste Zeph 28/02/2009 20h33

Rah putain ça fait plaisir ça!!!!

beldarien 28/02/2009 21h03


Rey Prichou 02/03/2009 21h46

Le site officiel du DA Green Lantern

Avec une présentation par Dan Didio et d'autres.


beldarien 02/03/2009 21h54


scarletneedle 05/03/2009 11h23

Pile-poil pour Blackest Night!

Rey Prichou 09/03/2009 09h43

Un peu d'infos sur GreenLantern, le film


Having had a chance to talk to the producer earlier today, just had to ask him about his long-in-development movie based on the DC Comics character Green Lantern, which just had its release date set for December 17, 2010.

We were especially curious about how they were planning on incorporating all the mythology surrounding the character in a way that would satisfy the hundreds of thousands of comic book fans who've been waiting a long time for this movie. "Our story is the Hal Jordan origin story, but creating the character of Hal Jordan that is a real character that will resonate with the fanbase is what we need to do. You have to make him credible and somebody to care about and tell a good story, and I think if we do that, we'll be okay."

"It's going to be a series of big stakes and big action, but it absolutely has a sense of humor," he replied when asked about the humor quotient of the movie. "I think people accept real life, even with really serious situations, with humor as part of that situation, as we experience in life, you have to have that. That's how people cope, so they've done it so well in these other movies. I think that people are absolutely ready. It doesn't have to fall on one side of the fence vs. the other."

Lastly, we asked him to address the rumors about them deliberately going younger with Hal Jordan, something that came out of the bogus stories about Anton Yelchin auditioning, but De Line denied the intention to cast younger. "Not really, late '20s, early '30s."

beldarien 09/03/2009 17h27

pourquoi devoir attendre si longtemps encore avant de le voir:'(

LastGreenLantern94 14/03/2009 00h54

et le prochain long métrage animé de DC après Green Lantern est...

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Rey Prichou 19/03/2009 00h02

Et bonne nouvelle, Jeph Loeb n'a rien avoir avec ce projet de DA


The Superman Homepage contacted Jeph Loeb to see if he was involved in the up-coming "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" animated movie (seeing as how he wrote the original comic book story), but found out that while Jeph had been approached by Warner Bros. to write the script, he was too busy at the time. also caught up with Jeph Loeb and asked him a few more questions...
  • So you're not involved in the project?
    They asked me to write the script and I really, really wanted to, but I was on "Heroes" and my schedule was just too full. So, no, I haven't had anything to do with it. But, I'm a huge Bruce Timm [Executive Producer] fan, as he knows since I dog him at conventions, and I'm sure he's going to make it even better than the comic.
    What about McGuinness? Is he involved?
    I spoke to Ed this morning and he told me they had approached him to do designs, but his schedule was too full, as well. We both would've loved to be involved.
    Do you know if Warner Bros. is sticking pretty close to your original storyline?
    Don't know, but it appears so. When I was talking to Gregory Novak, the exec at Warner Bros. who covers DC, they wanted to stay as true to the original material as possible. That included it looking like Ed's style.

Rey Prichou 19/03/2009 09h10

Le tournage de Green Lantern commencerait mi-Septembre pour une sortie Décembre 2010


Warner Bros. Pictures is scheduled to begin filming The Green Lantern in mid-September in Australia, reports Production Weekly.

To be directed by Martin Campbell, the comic book adaptation is targeted for a December 17, 2010 release.

The "Green Lantern" was created in 1940 by writer Bill Finger and artist Martin Nodell. Hal Jordan introduced in 1959, a second-generation test pilot, is an ordinary man who was given the power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien named Abin Sur. When Abin Sur's spaceship crashed on Earth, the alien used his ring to seek out an individual to take his place as Green Lantern: someone who was "utterly honest and born without fear."

Woulfo 20/03/2009 20h07

faut voir, par contre ça va peut être couté cher....

Deroxat (Expert en Potins) 21/03/2009 01h13

faut pas trop se faire de soucis pour le budget je pense.

Rey Prichou 07/04/2009 08h54

Le prochain animé DC, à savoir Green Lantern, se paie un nouveau trailer


Elýkar 07/04/2009 17h52

J"avoue que j'ai eu des frissons...:woot:

Drix 07/04/2009 19h29

Ah ouais ça dépote!

Et pas de quota John Stewart ici, Hal the one and the only!!!!!!

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