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scarletneedle 01/10/2019 18h39

DC Nation octobre 2019
Nouveau mois, nouveau topic : comme les mois derniers, le 1er post du topic servira d'index pour les news afin de faciliter l'accès à celles-ci quand elles seront noyées au milieu des discussions qu'elles entraînent.

Le topic du mois dernier: ici.

scarletneedle 07/10/2019 18h20

La rumeur (à la con?) de Bleeding Cool du jour :


It was the way the DC Comics Timeline, as revealed at New York Comic-Con this weekend, as grabbed and then dissected by Bleeding Cool, was set out that got me. With items such as:

Bruce is Batman
Clark is Superman
Hal is Green Lantern
Barry is Flash

All of that. Across the four generations of the DC Comics timeline. Added to the idea that these characters are now a lot older than previously established.Even with only sixty years to play with, and some timeline shenanigans that Booster Gold is aware of to bring that to the present day. Maybe even some de-aging along the way courtesy of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis and the like.

But now, more than ever, these are your grandfather’s heroes.

Gossip: Luke Fox, Jonathan Kent - What DC Comics' 5G is All About

And DC’s 5G will be an attempt to change that going forward.

Bleeding Cool already scooped the story that DC Comics was going to replace Bruce Wayne with Luke Fox, son of Lucius Fox, as the new Batman. With Bruce Wayne believed to be dead but secretly supporting him behind the scenes.

Today we revealed that Jonathan Kent will be aged again, and become the new Superman, replacing his father, Clark Kent, in the public role.

And we’ve also heard more. Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and more, will see their roles replaced by other characters in the DC Universe. And it doesn’t look like the replacements will be the naturally assumed ones – Jonathan Kent has had to be aged to fill the role, Batman has chosen the son of Lucius Fox and Batwing, rather than a Robin, Batgirl or Signal.

So don’t expect Bart as the new Flash, or Garth replacing Aquaman, or any of the main established Green Lanterns of Earth replacing Hal

However, do expect this to be the new DC Comics reality going forward. It’s a radical headline-making change, but fans are often reticent to such changes. DC Comics and Marvel Comics history is full of succession legacy characters who get reverted, replaced or renamed several years down the line. Amadeus Cho, Jane Foster Thor, Wally West, Azrael, Riri Williams and more. But some stick around in the role for longer such as Ms Marvel, Nova, Robin and Moon Girl.

And how far will this go? Nightwing? Poison Ivy? Cyborg? Are there other characters planning to step into their shoes as well? DC Comics has explored future versions of the characters, but this seems to be a decision to go at a little bit of a tangent.

More as it comes to Bleeding Cool.

KAL-EL 09/10/2019 00h14

Concernant les 4 générations en tout cas, ça a l'air correct. Une carte descriptive pour les différentes époques a été dévoilée le week-end passé....

Yaneck 09/10/2019 07h46

Mon dieu? DC pourrait faire en 2020 ce qu'il a toujours fait depuis plus de soixante ans? Mais quelle horreur! Ou pas...

scarletneedle 11/10/2019 20h44

Nouveau titre Jinxworld à l'horizon :


Envoyé par André Lima Araújo
It begins. Today I start drawing my creator owned book with @BRIANMBENDIS and I couldn't be happier. #CreatorOwned #JinxWorld

scarletneedle 17/10/2019 19h32

Source The Hollywood Reporter

Batman No. 86

Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki

Cover by Tony S. Daniel
It’s a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he’s not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.
Beginning a whole new chapter in the life of the Dark Knight, the epic art team of Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki are joined by new series writer James Tynion IV!
On sale Jan. 8, 2020
$3.99 US | 32 pages

Batman No. 87

Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki
Cover by Tony S. Daniel
The Riddler has been lying low since his humiliating defeat as part of Bane’s army — but as costumed assassins start to make their way into Gotham City, Edward Nygma may have the answers he’s been looking for. Or at least, the answer to why Deathstroke is trying to kill him! Is it possible that Batman’s tussle with Slade Wilson was all just a ruse to get the killer closer to his true target?
On sale 01.22.20

$3.99 US | 32 pages

scarletneedle 17/10/2019 19h35

Demain, sollicitations! :D

archerhawke 18/10/2019 16h26

Je suis extrêmement en retard sur ma lecture du run de King, mais du coup, il y aura bien une suite et fin dans une maxi série ou ça aussi ça a changé ?

Fred le mallrat 18/10/2019 17h01

c est toujours bon et elle devrait surement etre sollicité d ailleurs, je pense?

scarletneedle 18/10/2019 19h18

Elle n'y est pas.

Slobo 19/10/2019 00h06

S’il vieillisse Batman. J’aimerais le voir avec Selina et parent de huntress.
Comme dans l’ancienne JSA.

scarletneedle 22/10/2019 18h05


Envoyé par scarletneedle (Message 1808577)
Source The Hollywood Reporter

Batman No. 86

Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki

Cover by Tony S. Daniel
It’s a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he’s not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.
Beginning a whole new chapter in the life of the Dark Knight, the epic art team of Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki are joined by new series writer James Tynion IV!
On sale Jan. 8, 2020
$3.99 US | 32 pages

Batman No. 87

Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki
Cover by Tony S. Daniel
The Riddler has been lying low since his humiliating defeat as part of Bane’s army — but as costumed assassins start to make their way into Gotham City, Edward Nygma may have the answers he’s been looking for. Or at least, the answer to why Deathstroke is trying to kill him! Is it possible that Batman’s tussle with Slade Wilson was all just a ruse to get the killer closer to his true target?
On sale 01.22.20

$3.99 US | 32 pages

Source Newsarama

Une interview de James Tynion IV sur Batman : ici.

scarletneedle 28/10/2019 21h26

Un Convergence bis sur la forme en 2020 pour synchroniser les titres?


Bleeding Cool heard at MCM London Comic Con from rather well-connected folk that DC Comics may be doing something similar to Convergence. You may recall you heard about that at Bleeding Cool first too when we referred to it as the DC Band-Aid – though we also were the first to tell you what it was actually called as well. Two months where regular comic book stories are halted, to tell a cross-continuity story affecting all books.

At the time, it was in aid of DC Comics moving from New York to Burbank, and editor Marie Javins was brought into the company to take on putting out all eighty-nine-or-so books that made up the event, often including lesser well-known creators to DC Comics. Getting them all out of the door, giving the rest of DC editorial a chance to move properly, saw her promoted within the group to her current position as Group Editor of the Justice League books.

Well, it’s happening again. But rather than covering a more from once coast to the other it will be there to get DC Comics timeliness back on track. When books are not late right now, they are squeakily close to being so. And so you get issues like Superman and Supergirl featuring characters of the wrong ethnic background. Batpenises on display. And all manner of stuff getting sneaked through, unapproved.1

Giving all teams a two-month gap to get ahead and up to speed might be what everyone needs. To start preparing for 5G in 2021 (or sooner). And it seems that, once again Marie Javins will be the one tasked with delivering the new DC Band-Aid.

Convergence II would be too on the nose. Anyone have a suggestion? No, Heidi, not Blood Moon…

Dhargo 29/10/2019 07h34


Envoyé par scarletneedle (Message 1809872)
Un Convergence bis sur la forme en 2020 pour synchroniser les titres?

Cette fois ci, j'en prendrais bien moins, il y en a que je n'ai pas toujours pas lus du précédent Convergence.

En plus avec Van Sciver ?? Ce sera déjà sans moi pour ses participations !

scarletneedle 29/10/2019 08h06

Non, il n'y aura pas Van Sciver (vu son passif du Comicsgate, il est grillé), ils ont pris la couverture du #0 de l'époque pour illustrer. :D

Fuseau horaire GMT +2. Il est actuellement 08h50.

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