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EsseJi 13/05/2010 21h24

Ordres de lecture
Perdu dans un crossover? Dans quel ordre tout bien lire? Quels sont les tie-in?
On va essayer de répondre à ces questions dans ce topic, à mettre à jour par qui le veut, je vais regrouper dans le premier post les ordres de lectures qui seront postés dans ce topic.

Ordres de lectures:

EsseJi 13/05/2010 21h24

Chronologie des titres Superman de New Krypton à War of the Supermen.

0 - Superman's Pal: Jimmy Olsen #1

New Krypton
1 - Superman: New Krypton Special #1
2 - Superman #681
3 - Adventure Comics Special feat. The Guardian #1
4 - Action Comics #871
5 - Supergirl #35
6 - Superman #682
7 - Action Comics #872
8 - Supergirl #36
9 - Superman #683
10 - Action Comics #873
Fin du crossover New Krypton
11 - Supergirl #37
12 - Superman #684
13 - Action Comics #874
14 - Supergirl #38
15 - Superman #685

World Without Superman
16 - World of New Krypton #1
17 - Action Comics #875
18 - Supergirl #39
19 - Superman #686
20 - World of New Krypton #2
21 - Action Comics #876
22 - Supergirl #40
23 - Superman #687
24 - World of New Krypton #3
25 - Action Comics #877
26 - Supergirl #41
27 - Superman #688
28 - World of New Krypton #4
29 - Action Comics #878
30 - Supergirl #42
31 - Superman #689
32 - World of New Krypton #5
33 - Action Comics #879
34 - Supergirl #43
35 - Superman #690

Codename Patriot
0 - Superman Secret Files 2009
1 - World of New Krypton #6
2 - Action Comics #880
3 - Supergirl #44
4 - Superman #691

World Against Superman
5 - Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #2
6 - World of New Krypton #7
7 - Action Comics #881
8 - Supergirl #45
9 - Superman #692
10 - World of New Krypton #8
11 - Action Comics #882
12 - Supergirl #46
13 - Superman #693
14 - World of New Krypton #9
15 - Action Comics #883
16 - Supergirl #47
17 - Superman #694
18 - World of New Krypton #10
19 - Action Comics #884
20 - Supergirl #48
21 - Superman #695
22 - World of New Krypton #11
23 - Action Comics #885
24 - Supergirl #49
25 - Superman #696
26 - World of New Krypton #12
27 - Action Comics #886
28 - Supergirl #50
29 - Superman #697

Last Stand of New Krypton
30 - Adventure Comics #8
31 - Last Stand of New Krypton #1
32 - Action Comics #887
33 - Supergirl #51
34 - Superman #698
35 - Adventure Comics #9
36 - Last Stand of New Krypton #2
37 - Action Comics #888
38 - Supergirl #52
39 - Superman #699
40 - Adventure Comics #10
41 - Last Stand of New Krypton #3
42 - Action Comics 889

War of the Supermen
0 - War of the Supermen (FCBD)
1 - War of the Supermen #1
2 - War of the Supermen #2
3 - War of the Supermen #3
4 - War of the Supermen #4

EsseJi 13/05/2010 22h01

Une chronologie de Civil War que j'avais déjà posté sur Buzz.

Chronologie de Civil War

Voici mon ordre de lecture avec les numeros en gras qui servent à l'intrigue, en italique qui font reference à l'histoire en utilisant bien le titre et en police normale ceux qui ne servent pas à faire avancer le smilblick.

Civil war 01
She-hulk 08
Wolverine 42

Civil war frontline 01
Amazing spider man 532
Civil war 02
Amazing spider-man 533
Thunderbolts 103

X-factor 08
Wolverine 43
Civil war frontline 02
Fantastic four 538
New avengers 21
Civil war frontline 03
Thunderbolts 104
Civil war 03
Civil war : x-men 01-04
Amazing spider-man 534
Fantastic four 539
Civil war : young avengers & runaways 01-04
Civil war : frontline 04
Wolverine 44
New avengers 22
X-factor 09
Black panther 18
Cable & Deadpool 30
Ms Marvel 06

Civil war : frontline 05
New avengers 23
Wolverine 45
Thunderbolts 105
Civil war 04
Civil war : frontline 06

Cable & Deadpool 31
Amazing spider-man 535
Captain america 22
Ms marvel 07
Wolverine 46
Fantastic four 540

Civil war : frontline 07
Cable & deadpool 32
New avengers 24
Miss marvel 08
Wolverine 47
Captain america 23
Civil war Choosing sides 01

Civil war 05
Punisher war journal 01
Amazing spider-man 536
Civil war : frontline 08
New avengers 25

Iron man 13
Black panther 22
Captain america 24
Fantastic four 541
Black panther 23
Iron man/captain america : casualties of war 01
Civil war : frontline 09

Civil war : War crimes
Iron man 14
Black panther 24
Fantastic four 542

Civil war 06
Punisher war journal 02
Amazing spider-man 537
Civil war : frontline 10

Civil war : The return
Punisher war journal 03
Civil war 07
Black panther 25
Amazing spider-man 538
Civil war : frontline 11
Fantastic four 543
Captain america 25
Civil war : the confession
Civil war : the initiative

Ne manque dans cette liste que les tie-in dans Heroes for hire que je n'ai pas encore lu. J'éditerais plus tard.
Note : Civil war est mentionné dans ces titres sans que ces numeros ne soient des tie-in officiels:
Eternals 1-7
The Thing 08
Black Panther 19-22

Ce classement tient compte des semaines de sortie et d'une certaine chronologie avec des points historiques communs à plusieurs titres (unmasking, mort, etc..).
Certains titres se servent pas l'histoire principale mais sont tout de meme des good reading comme FF 541, War crimes ou les X-factor.
D'autres titres ne sont important que pour une replique sur une page, c'est le cas de New Avengers 25.
De plus je fais partie de ceux qui pensent que Civil war la mini ne se suffit pas en lui meme, alors qu'au contraire Frontline est bien plus une oeuvre complete.
Enfin ce classement est personnel, mais vu que ni Marvel ou Panini ne digne en donner un c'est à nous de se debrouiller...

Marie_ 15/05/2010 00h28

Excellente idée ! Ce sujet mériterait d'être épinglé pour rester accessible aux pauvres lecteurs newbies perdus dans la jungle de runs aux ramifications kabbalistiques. Merci spider_jerusalem :woot:


Envoyé par spider_jerusalem (Message 1041597)
Last Stand of New Krypton
30 - Adventure Comics #8
31 - Last Stand of New Krypton #1
32 - Action Comics #887
33 - Supergirl #51
34 - Superman #698
35 - Adventure Comics #9
36 - Last Stand of New Krypton #2
37 - Action Comics #888
38 - Supergirl #52
39 - Superman #699
40 - Adventure Comics #10
41 - Last Stand of New Krypton #3

La numérotation continue avec l'Action Comics 889 qui affiche un n°42 dans le petit sigle Superman. C'est encore une nouvelle partie qui commence ? Pourtant aucun titre particulier n'est affiché.

EsseJi 16/05/2010 10h13

Bien vu Marie, je corrige.

beldarien 16/05/2010 12h35

tres bonne idee!!!

des que je remet la main sur ma liste Blackest Night, je la poste.

Gassian 16/05/2010 13h24

Je profite de l'ouverture de ce thread pour poster une version définitive (?) de l'ordre de lecture
des cross-over Dark Reign et Siege


Start of Dark Reign (post Secret Invasion #8):

New Avengers #47 - Post Invasion but somewhat pre-Dark Reign, starts the storyline for the skrull abduction of Danielle Cage.

Secret Invasion: Dark Reign One Shot - The Cabal is formed between newly appointed H.A.M.M.E.R. director Norm Osborn, Dr. Doom, Loki (in Sif's body), Emma Frost, Namor, and the Hood. Alliances begin the year long Dark Reign story.

The Hood #1-5 - Takes place before New Avengers #47-50 and after Invincible Iron Man "Most Wanted". The reference for this mini series series taking place after the "Most Wanted" is when Namor during their Cabal meeting in Hood #2 refers to his battle with Iron Man underwater in Invincible Iron Man #12 when Tony polluted the water around Namor and got away from him.

New Avengers #48-50 - Beginning of Dark Reign for the New Avengers. The Jarvis skrull kidnaps Danielle and the New Avengers go on the lookout for it. Luke Cage enlists Norman's help for tracking his daughter down and gets him the results. Luke however betrays Norman via the mystical crowbar and escapes.

Norman also lays a trap on the New Avengers in #50 by tricking them into fighting the Hood and his group, the Dark Avengers vs New Avengers fight would be touched upon again in the Free Comic Book Day issue and more fully realized in New Avengers #55-60 and Siege.

Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers - This issue is in the perspective of Spider-Man, Thor falls from the sky due to his battle with Ymir the powerful and mythical frost giant. The New Avengers and Dark Avengers team up to find the Twilight Sword and take it from Ymir. This is the last time we see Iron Fist with the New Avengers and Marvel Boy a.k.a Noh-Varr with the Dark Avengers.

Who is the next Sorcerer Supreme?

New Avengers #51-54 - Following Dr. Strange's falling out of the Sorcerer Supreme title in New Avengers Annual #2, the big magical shake out crowns the next Sorcerer Supreme and leads into both Dr. Voodoo and Dr. Strange seperate mini series.

Doctor Voodoo #1-5 - Takes place after "Who is the next Sorcerer Supreme" as Jericho Drumm has been given the Sorcerer Supreme title.

Dr. Strange #1-4

New Avengers: The Reunion #1-4

X-Men/Dark Avengers Utopia Crossover:

Dark X-Men The Confession #1

Utopia: Dark X-Men #1-3 - This mini series is set before the events of Utopia. Norman Osborn recruits his Dark X-Men before they appear fully in Uncanny X-Men #513.

Chapter One - Utopia #1, X-Men Legacy #226 & 227
Chapter Two - Uncanny X-Men #513
Chapter Three - Dark Avengers #7
Chapter Four - Uncanny X-Men #514
Chapter Five - Dark Avengers #8
Conclusion - Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus

Dark Reign: The List X-Men - Osborn still angry at Emma and Namor for their defection from the Cabal sics a mutated Marrina at Namor and the X-Men. Norman is unsuccessful and is warned by Namor.

New Avengers #55-60 - Bucky and the New Avengers go after Chemistro, fight Hood's group, fight the Dark Avengers, and save Luke from his heart condition and is in recovery.

Captain America Reborn:

Captain America Reborn
- Bucky and Natasha go on a reconnaissance mission to find Cap after the events of Captain America #600. They come into conflict with Norman, find Steve (albeit under Red Skull's control), Steve fights it, we see Clint's reaction to Steve here already as well as Bucky, Falcon, Hank Pym, Natasha, and Sharon's. Who will Wield the shield shows Cage working out here but nothing contradicts that he isn't still in recovery here. Cage knows that Steve is around but hasn't met him yet.

Post Captain America Reborn:

Invincible Iron Man #20-24: "Stark Disassembled" - Bucky, Steve, and Donald/Thor visit Stark and try to give his heart a jump start. Dr. Strange intervenes and is incapacitated, Tony Stark revives from his coma and ejects Ghost from Broxton to Asgard (followed up in Thunderbolts #141).

Dark Reign: The List Avengers - Post Utopia and still during Cage's recovery and continues the plot line set forth by New Avengers with Clint wanting to kill Norman. Leads into the New Avengers Annual #3.

New Avengers Annual #3 - The New Avengers women go to rescue Clint, Cap shows up in the end and Bucky, Clint, and Bobbi are surprised to see Cap in his uniform.

Dark Avengers Annual #1 - Norman sends Sentry out to deal with Noh-Varr, the Dark Avengers soon follow but Noh-Varr escapes. End of the comic reveals Steve and Bucky gathering intelligence on Noh-Varr.

Siege & it's beginnings:

Dark Avengers #13 & 14- Happens 2 to 3 days before Siege the Cabal.

Siege The Cabal - Norman is revealed to still be talking to his Green Goblin mask/persona. Namor and Emma are noticeably absent due to the events in Utopia, in their place is Taskmaster. Dr. Doom confronts Norman about Namor and things erupt between Dr. Doom and Norman, Norman's mysterious enforcer shows his hand and damages Dr. Doom but is revealed to be a Doombot. Dr. Doom then pulls a trap using the Doombot on Norman, the Dark Avengers, and Stark Tower. After these events Loki gives Norman the idea of replicating the Stamford incident with Nitro to gain publicity and support by the president and the American people.

Avengers The Initiative #31 - Siege Cabal tie in.

Dark Avengers #15 - Reveals the truth behind Siege The Cabal regarding the Void being Osborn's secret weapon also seen in Dark Avengers #13 and #14 previously.

New Avengers #61-62 - Steve doesn't stay long with the New Avengers after New Avengers Annual #3 and only takes Bucky on a recon mission to check out his apartment in Brooklyn which was blown up in the Annual and thus also has to take place after Cap Reborn because Steve and Sharon were shacking up there. Luke goes back to the apartment and sees Steve again although in different uniform and is still in disbelief but finally formally meets with Steve up close and personal. Cap goes back to the Brooklyn safe house with Bucky and Luke and the Secret Warriors and they are all re-introduced to each other with Carol having her emotional scene with Steve.

Origins of Siege #1 - Freebie which has Norman talking again to Loki about the 9 realms and one page origins of Cabal and Siege players. Note: The Brian Bendis/Lucio Parillo prologue is also included in the Siege #1 Directors Cut.

Siege #1/Siege #1 Directors Cut

Siege Embedded #1-2: Why are these grouped together? They read best in these two parts read one after the other. Siege: Embedded #3 makes more sense reading after Siege #1, 2, and 3 since it's events run parallel to those three books during that issue. In these two issues, Volstagg is picked up after the events of Siege #1 and his journey leads him into Thor #607 which will be his fight with Ragnarok.

Avengers The Initiative #32 - Fills in some details pre-Siege and during Siege such as Taskmaster, Constrictor, and Diamondback's roles as well as the New Warriors.

Dark Wolverine #82 - Like Initiative #32 happens a little before Siege and during Siege #1.

Siege #2

Thor #607
- Shows Balder and the Asgardians reaction to Volstagg vs the U-Foes at soldier field, fills in blanks on Heimdall, Ragnarok shows up to fight Volstagg in Broxton.

Avengers Initiative #33

Dark Wolverine #83
- Read after Siege #2, takes place during Siege #1 and #2.

Thunderbolts #141

Siege #3

New Avengers #63

Thor #608

New Mutants #11 - Read this after Thor #608 for better effect, this is after Tyr's "death" and is also written by Kieron Gillen.

Mighty Avengers #35

Avengers The Initiative #34

Siege Embedded #3

Thunderbolts #142

Dark Wolverine #84

Thor #609 - Read this before Siege #4. Loki is shown here before his final play with the Norn stones, Balder and the Asgardians are also resolving certain situations before the major Void battle in Siege #4.

Mighty Avengers #36 - This leads into Siege #4 after the Ultron stuff is dealt with. Hank Pym, Quicksilver, and a few others aren't explicitly shown in Siege #4 but we can just assume that they take part in it.

Siege #4

New Avengers #64 - Takes the Hood beat from Siege #4 and runs with it which gets picked up with the New Avengers Finale.

New Avengers Finale

Avengers The Initiative #35 - Read this after the New Avengers Finale as there is a scene pertaining to Tigra and the Hood after he's been incarcerated due to the events of the New Avengers Finale.

Thunderbolts #143

Siege Embedded #4

Dark Avengers #16

The Sentry: Fallen Sun

Have not placed in time line yet: Thor, Mighty Avengers.

Source : CBR

Patrick07 17/05/2010 13h07

Ha oui ca m'intéresse M.Ci !

beldarien 05/06/2010 13h55


Tales of the Corps #1
Tales of the Corps #2
Tales of the Corps #3

Titans #15
Green Lantern #43

Blackest Night #0

Blackest Night #1
Power Levels 0.01% to 0.02%
Green Lantern Corps #39 Issue happens side-by-side with BN #1.
Green Lantern #44 Power Levels 0.75% to 1.20%

Blackest Night #2 Power Levels 2.63% to 3.43%
Starman #81
The Power of Shazam #48

Blackest Night: Batman #1 No power levels but the Bat Symbol is destroyed
Blackest Night: Superman #1 Power Levels 3.44% to 3.82%
Blackest Night: Titans #1B No power level's but Hawk is out of his grave
Green Lantern #45 Power Levels 45.43%
Green Lantern Corps #40 Power Levels 45.96% to 46.31%
Blackest Night: Batman #2 Power Levels 46.65% to 47.01%
The Question #37 before BN #3 because when Jason touches Ronnie in BN #3, he sees Vic Sage's empty grave

Blackest Night #3 Power Levels 50.32% to 56.59%
Adventure Comics #4
Adventure Comics #5
Justice League of America #38
Blackest Night: Superman #2

Suicide Squad #67 Power Level's 57.01%
Blackest Night: Titans #2 Power Level's 57.03%
Green Lantern #46 Power Level's 75.25%
Blackest Night: Batman #3
The Phantom Stranger #42
takes place after BN: Batman #3 Deadman's involvement.
Solomon Grundy #7 after BN: Batman, Etrigan has been involved in S/B 66 & 67
Superman/Batman #66 the blackout may be a BN: Batman reference.
Superman/Batman #67
Catwoman #83
The blackout in Gotham is mentioned.
Green Lantern Corps #41 Power Level's 85.26%
Blackest Night: Superman #3 Power Levels 93.01%
Blackest Night: Titans #3
Outsiders #23
Outsiders #24
Outsiders #25
Justice League of America #39
Justice League of America #40
Teen Titans #77
Teen Titans #78
Weird Western Tales #71
Green Lantern #47

Blackest Night #4 100%. Nekron Rises.
Blackest Night: Flash #1
Secret Six #17 Continuing from Suicide Squad #67
Secret Six #18
Doom Patrol #4
Doom Patrol #5
Booster Gold #26
Booster Gold #27
R.E.B.E.L.S. #10
R.E.B.E.L.S. #11
R.E.B.E.L.S. #12
Blackest Night: JSA #1
- Appears to be shortly after Damage's death in BN #4.
Blackest Night: JSA #2- Takes place shortly thereafter. No reason to displace.
Blackest Night: JSA #3- Picks up immediately after #2.
Green Lantern Corps #42- Power Levels 100%, and "100% Power Level Exceeded."
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #1- Leads directly into the events of BN #5.
Green Lantern #48- Leads directly into the events of BN #5.

Blackest Night #5- "Die!"
Green Lantern Corps #43- Doesn't appear to matter whether it is pre-"Die!" or post-"Die!" at the moment.
Green Lantern #49- John Stewart brings Xanshi to Earth... which we see followed-up on in BN #6.

Blackest Night #6- Temporary new Lanterns are selected for each Corps.
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #2- Simultaneous to BN #6's conclusion.
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #3- Takes place in-between pages at the end of BN #6.
Blackest Night: Flash #2- Picks up virtually immediately after BN #6.
Green Arrow #30- Seems to be immediately after BN #6 but before Adventure Comics #7.
Green Lantern Corps #44- No marker to indicate placement, but seems to be concurrent with BN #6/after.
Blackest Night: Flash #3- At the end everyone races toward the Spectre.
Green Lantern #50- Parallax Rebirth. The Spectre is fought.
The Atom and Hawkman #46- We see the other Corps' fighting the Spectre as seen in GL #50.
Adventure Comics #7- BL Superboy is freed. Likely before GL #51 since BL Superboy is not seen on the ending splash.
Green Lantern #51- The Spectre is defeated and Parallax is taken away.
Green Lantern Corps #45- The GLC appears to transport to Earth at the end.

Blackest Night #7- Rise of the White Lantern.
Green Lantern Corps #46
- Clearly post-BN #7 with the Anti-Monitor getting free.
Green Lantern #52- Leads direcly into BN #8.

Blackest Night #8
ok recuperer sur un forum anglais, mais je trouve qu'il est bien fait

EsseJi 05/06/2010 15h14

:flex: update!

Hilarion 05/06/2010 15h18

Je me demandais :

la série Blackest night se suffit à elle-même ou il faut IMPERATIVEMENT tous les tie-in?

beldarien 05/06/2010 15h21

la serie se suffit a elle meme, mais je conseil tres fortement de prendre les green lantern, et les green lantern corps quand meme.

les autres tie-in sont interessant, un point de vue sur ce qui se passe avec les autres super-heros, qui seront plus ou moins un importance plus tard dans le Blackest Night.

Hilarion 05/06/2010 15h25


Envoyé par beldarien (Message 1049576)
la serie se suffit a elle meme, mais je conseil tres fortement de prendre les green lantern, et les green lantern corps quand meme.

les autres tie-in sont interessant, un point de vue sur ce qui se passe avec les autres super-heros, qui seront plus ou moins un importance plus tard dans le Blackest Night.

Pas la peine d'avoir lu les "countdown- crisis-final-trinity-machin" avant non plus? (J'ai arrêté à la fin de 52...).

EsseJi 05/06/2010 15h27


Envoyé par Halnawulf (Message 1049573)
Je me demandais :

la série Blackest night se suffit à elle-même ou il faut IMPERATIVEMENT tous les tie-in?

Les tie-in que je conseille:
BN: Batman + Phantom Stranger
Atom & Hawkman
BN: Titans
BN: Flash

En gros ce que Johns a écrit ou supervisé, le reste est accessoire.

beldarien 05/06/2010 15h40


Envoyé par Halnawulf (Message 1049577)
Pas la peine d'avoir lu les "countdown- crisis-final-trinity-machin" avant non plus? (J'ai arrêté à la fin de 52...).

pas du tout, tu n'as vraiment pas besoin de lire tout ca.

bon, etant fana de Green Lantern, je ne suis peut etre pas tres......logique, mais les GL, et GLC sont les meilleurs series du moment. et tout blackest night fut rondement mener par geoff johns, tout y est logique, et ce suis facilement.

bonne lecture!:woot:

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