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Elýkar 24/10/2007 23h47

Superman : Man of Steel (Zack Snyder)
On vient de passer à côté d'une presque bonne nouvelle pour la suite de Superman Returns:

Mark Millar to Pitch Superman Sequel

Source: Mark Millar
October 22, 2007

With the news that Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris are not returning to write the Superman Returns sequel, Mark Millar wants to pitch Warner Bros. his vision of the franchise. He says on his official boards:

It's 8.58am right now, my guys at CAA get into the office in about seven hours and my call will be waiting for them to talk about this. I want to revamp Superman like Hillary wants thin ankles. Revamping this franchise is what I as given fingers for and so, invited or not, I'm putting my plan together now. I've been asked to work on half a dozen screenplays lately, but this is the only one I have ever truly wanted.

As most here know, I have literally hundreds of pages of notes and sketches just waiting for this opportunity. This would be my dream gig and, as a fan, I know exactly what this project needs to work. This has to be Superman for the 21st Century, keeping everything we adore, but starting from scratch and making the kids love it as much as the 30-somethings. I would honestly write this thing for free.

Anyway, my treatment is being polished as we type. Wish me luck. I want to do that Superman movie we all want to see.

Mais malheureusement la joie fut de courte durée:

WB Won't Take Millar for Superman...
Source: Mark Millar
October 24, 2007

Just a few days ago, we mentioned that Mark Millar was serious about pitching a story for the Superman Returns sequel. Now, he's saying that Warner Bros. has already thrown out the idea, and the reason might surprise you:

Okay, as you know I was very excited about the opportunity that WB were looking for a new writer on this project. Superman is the be all and end all for me (he's why I started reading and why I started typing). It's funny how quickly news spread because one little post on my message board here ended up literally all over the comic book and movie sites inside about twelve hours and the response from fellow Superman fans was incredibly positive. Thanks again for that.

Anyway, my agent is a big beast at CAA and can set up meetings with anyone. I'm always amazed by this because, like all comic guys, I do this job in a converted attic at home on a rainy rock some miles from mainland Europe and about as far from Hollywood as you can get. But my agent got my call around 4pm my time on Tuesday and within hours we were talking on the phone to some very nice exec at Warner Bros who said that several producers and director friends had already been in touch to push me for the gig because they knew how passionate I was about this project. And for about fifteen minutes things were looking very sweet. I had a massive three-picture epic in mind, cribbed from notes I've been putting together for the last five years for a Superman comic-book revamp and the people I spoke to absolutely loved it. Everyone said this was very, very exciting, but...

Well, sadly, I'm a Marvel guy and we were surprised to find out that WB couldn't hire me for a DC property. They were incredibly nice and superbly apologetic about it, but when they discussed the matter seriously DC explained just how associated I am with Marvel Comics at the moment and it's against company policy to hire the competition. It's absolutely nothing personal. I spoke to some friends at DC and they explained this has happened with a couple of big Marvel writers in the last couple of years and I absolutely respect that. It's a business after all and to have a guy writing Fantastic Four, 1985, Kick-Ass and another super-big project for Steve McNiven this year which would be mentioned in every article about a Superman movie is not only an insult to their own writers, but makes bad business sense. I have nothing but respect for the DC high-ups and, though obviously disappointed, can absolutely appreciate their position. They're the custodians of these properties and they obviously know what they're doing.

So no Millar-penned Superman movie at this stage, I'm afraid. That situation may change, of course. As a Warner chum said to me last night, the last Superman movie had a number of starts and stops and who knows what will happen over the next couple of years, especially after my Marvel contract expires. In the meantime, I'm keeping my 200 pages of notes and sketches on a slow boil, just in case. As for the next movie, I wish whoever does land this gig nothing but the best of luck. I wanted to bring my vision to the screen out of nothing but pure love and hope to be as thrilled as everyone else. They're talking to a couple of guys with a better screen-writing track record and, like the rest of you, I'll keep my fingers crossed that this sequel to Bryan's first picture all works out great.

Thanks again for all the support and backing for my involvement in this project. It stunned me that the WB people had seen this and it absolutely factored in how quickly all those doors opened for me.


Fredeur 25/10/2007 00h33

"On adore ton taf, mais désolé, tu bosses pour Marvel. Et au cas où, si dans un article on mentionne que tu bosses pour Marvel, imagines que des gens non lecteurs de comics, dans un concours de circonstances extraordinaires, aient envie d'acheter un comics, et bien ils pourraient peut-être choisir un comics Marvel au lieu d'un comic-book Superman que tu as écris, genre Red Son. On pourrait perdre 3 nouveaux lecteurs potentiels, quelle catastrophe."

Samo 25/10/2007 00h35

Dommage, ça aurait pu rendre le film plus bandant que le premier. Avec une Lois convenable, aussi.

mr nix 25/10/2007 01h14

"Sorry Mark, wrong pimp"

Hilarion 25/10/2007 07h11

Elykar, tu peux même renommer ton trid "Superman : Man of steel", ce qui devrait être le titre du film, toujours réalisé par Bryan Singer, avec Brandon Routh et Kevin Spacey.

Rey Prichou 12/08/2008 17h00

Avec ce Batman: The Dark Knight qui cartonne, la Warner repense à son Superman... Et fait appelle à DC.

Trois noms renommés de l'industrie du comicbook nous livrent leurs visions du précédent et possible futur Superman:


“‘Superman Returns’ didn’t work for a lot of reasons,” Grant Morrison said.

“I so wanted that movie to work,” said Mark Waid, “but every choice they made in that movie was wrong. If you’re making the movie in a vacuum, and there will be no other Superman movies ever again, go ahead and give him a son. But otherwise, that’s a staggeringly awful idea. What are you going to do next? Either the kid has to be a part of his life, or get superpowers, which no one wants to see. I want to go to them and say, ‘What were you thinking?’”

“The idea was to make an American Christ figure, but what they centered on was his weakness,” Morrison said. “They made him more a lamb of God, rather than give us a real powerful Superman. They had too many scenes where he’s being kicked to the floor, and that’s not Superman. Superman would get up and fight.”

So these comics book writers are getting up and fighting too. Both Morrison and Geoff Johns have pitched the film studio on how to reboot Superman — properly reboot him, as if “Superman Returns” didn’t even happen.

“I told them, it’s not that bad,” Morrison said. “Just treat ‘Superman Returns’ as the Ang Lee ‘Hulk.’”

“‘The Hulk’ has proven the audience will forgive you and let you redo the franchise,” Waid said. “You can reboot from scratch.”

Morrison’s idea was a more “tight and concise” take on his “All-Star Superman,” so you’d see Superman address his mortality. And Waid suggests they take a look at his hard reboot, “Superman: Birthright.” But Brad Meltzer also has an idea that could work as the basis for the character, based on research for his upcoming “Book of Lies.”

“Superman is a character more recognizable than Abraham Lincoln or Mickey Mouse,” Meltzer said. “But no one knows crap about Mickey Mouse. He’s a symbol. Understanding a soul is much harder. So don’t treat him like a walking American flag.”

To understand Superman, Meltzer says, you have to know why Superman was created in the first place — because a young Jerry Siegel’s father was shot and killed in 1932 (a fact first uncovered by Gerard Jones in “Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book”).

“Superman was created not because America is the greatest country on earth, not because Moses came to save us from Krypton, but because a little boy lost his father,” Meltzer said. “In his first appearances, he couldn’t fly. He didn’t have X-ray vision. He was only bulletproof. So Superman’s not a character built out of strength, but out of loss.”

“When you hear that, it puts on a whole new spin on Superman and his origins,” Waid said. “The understanding was that Batman was born out of traged and Superman out of hope and aspiration, and it turns out that it’s about not wanting to lose your loved ones. That’s critical, and it means that we can connect with him. He’s not an untouchable character. Bad things still happen to him. His father passes away, and his powers can’t save him.”

And even if Superman still seems like too much of a Boy Scout, we’re supposed to be identifying with Clark Kent anyway. “Everybody knows what it’s like to see the pretty girl and think, ‘If only she could see me for who I really was,’” Waid said. “Past the glasses and acne or whatever. But he has to hide, and half his co-workers don’t even know his name. That’s a critical part, too.”

“It is so much deeper than, ‘He’s an alien with superpowers,’” Meltzer said. “I never wanted to write a Superman movie before, but I do now. I understand what Superman is now.”

Geoffo 12/08/2008 17h09

Il veut pas écrire Sentry : the flim ?

scarletneedle 12/08/2008 17h57

Il faudrait déjà mettre Sentry en valeur dans les comics...

Mast 12/08/2008 17h59

Sa combinaison n'est pas assez moulante à ton goût?

Sinon, moi je veux Brainiac dans The man of steel.

Rey Prichou 19/08/2008 20h55

Petit point sur la situation


Where is Superman Headed?

Source: Variety
August 19, 2008

Variety's Anne Thompson reports that Superman: Man of Steel is in a holding pattern at Warner Bros. Pictures as the studio figures out what to do next. Here's a clip:

They too believe that the last movie didn't break the mold and wound up in some kind of middle limbo. Today I was told that it is a priority at the studio to find the right direction and if Bryan Singer is willing to do that, fine, but if he gets in the way, he may not stay on the project. There are no writers working on a Superman script now. The studio wants to figure it out. "It might be better to start from scratch," one exec admitted.

mr nix 19/08/2008 20h59

Ca donne envie.

Hob 19/08/2008 21h00

C'est marrant mais le Superman , je le vois comme tout le contraire de TDK

C'est a dire autant , j'ai l'impression qu'ils ont lâché la bride à Nolan ( et la présence de son frère au scénario en est un très bon exemple ) , autant pour le Sup , il risque de coller aux fesses de Singer en lui laissant quasi aucune liberté

Je le sens pas celui là

Hob 19/08/2008 21h01


Envoyé par mr nix (Message 807003)
Ca donne envie.

cm un bon steak moisi depuis 3 mois ^^

mr nix 19/08/2008 21h03


axlreznor 19/08/2008 21h14

oué j'avais vraiment trouvé le premier naze et en plus je crois que j'aime de moins en moins singer......... de film en film je le trouve de plus en plus faible, mou!

pour moi c'est le réalisateur d'usual suspect, sortit de ça , ben je sais pas... je le comprends pas! la seule marque que je lui associe est une lenteur et une capacité a rendre inutile une sequence qui pourtant pourrait avoir de la classe...

je dis ça alors que je suis sur qu il peut nous sortir un super lapin de son chapeau, mais le superman du gars.........

qu'il retourne sur du polar un peu, sur autre chose que du colant, ça lui réussi pas!

ah et remenmber superman lives, le pitch avec la mort de superman, sa resurection, batman, burton! enfin...

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